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Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Writing survey - Essay Example Advertisers are offering chances to modify the items. Individuals want to be exceptional. They seek after ...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Writing survey - Essay Example Advertisers are offering chances to modify the items. Individuals want to be exceptional. They seek after self-uniqueness in trademark ways. The factors related with urgent purchasing will in general be limited to promoting factors identified with broad communications like publicizing substance and TV seeing, socio-natural factors like family and companion impacts, and individual attributes identified with character qualities and socioeconomics (Park and Burns, 2005). Today buyer purchasing is more style related. Enthusiastic purchasers are probably going to be aware of what they look like and appear to other people. Mastercard use has been seen as a persuasive factor in enthusiastic purchasing. Elevated level of rash purchasing is additionally a type of urgent purchasing. Shoham and Brencic (2003) fight that the higher the spontaneous buys, the higher the enthusiastic buy inclination. The higher the propensity to pay things off their item list, the higher is the habitual buy inclination. Enthusiastic purchasing is affected by segment and social components. This assists with understanding the elements of purchaser conduct . Looking for some is a help from pressure and weights of regular day to day existence. Engaging in the whole procedure of purchasing assists with reducing the shopper from the agony and modest of life. Kwak, Zinkhan and Roushanzamir (2004) battle that urgent purchasing must incorporate two measures †conduct must be redundant and conduct must be hazardous for the person. Along these lines enthusiastic purchasing is an incessant tedious buying that turns into an essential reaction to negative emotions. At first individuals feel cheerful yet in the long run understand the destructive outcomes when they can't stop. This is line with Gutman and Mills 1982 style situated measurements which recommends that ‘fashion leaders’ and ‘fashion independents’ portray themselves as various and sticking out (Lynn and Harris, 1997). Such enthusiastic purchasers will shop at departmental and claim to fame
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jack Davis ( No Sugar Essay)
NO SUGAR (JACK DAVIS) Jack Davis’ â€Å"No Sugar†, written in 1985, is a play that features Australian prejudice and social annihilation brought about by British imperialism. It is set in 1929 (Great Depression) in Northam, Western Australia. The play investigates the effects of the European social and political way of thinking of the mid twentieth century on Aboriginal society. The central purposes of this play are the prevalence of white individuals, bigotry, and the bond between Aboriginal families. These topics feature Australian culture, and have molded it into its a wide range of structures for all Australian’s today.Jack Davis has utilized discourse between the characters in this concentrate to benefit a postcolonial perusing of the content. Davis utilizes discourse so as to develop a world where the native individuals can be recognized to the crowd as an abuseed, mistreated race. Davis utilizes exchange to speak to how the colonized respond to the social circumstances where they were enslaved to, all the time in the early occasions of colonization. â€Å"CISSIE: Aw mum, Old Tony the ding consistently sells us minimal wilted ones and them wetjala kids huge one. Through this exchange the crowd distinguishes that society at the time didn't permit the colonized to be classed as a similar standard as the colonizer. Davis loans this content to a postcolonial perusing the utilization of portrayal. The utilization of portrayal in the play strengthens the possibility that the characters enhance a kind of accommodation to English culture presentations to the crowd the impact of colonization. In spite of the fact that the characters hold a significant number of their native characteristics, for example, living off the land â€Å"Come on, let’s get these bunnies. They have permitted themselves and their way of life to be colonized by tolerating a considerable lot of the British properties, for example, playing cricket â€Å"DAVID and CISSIE play cricket with a home-made bat and ball. †The native individuals have permitted themselves to colonized securing British perspectives, which agree with their native legacy. Through this concentrate the characters likewise start to peruse the paper, the blend of the kids playing cricket and the senior perusing the paper shows up from an outside point viewpoint a British movement. Taking a gander at the specific situation, which encompasses the composition of the play, can likewise bolster a postcolonial reading.Another gadget utilized by Davis is stage bearings essentially used to summon or make a rising sensational pressure, a case of this is â€Å"He scratches his finger with the hatchet and watches the blood trickle to the ground. †This is emblematic of the Aboriginals showing dissatisfaction; they are perpetrating torment on themselves since they realize it isn’t conceivable to incur torment on their winners. Jimmy’s character speaks to the disobedience of any underestimated race; he pushes the limits as far as could be expected under the circumstances. The way that Aboriginals are â€Å"dancing†for the white Australians shows their power.This moving is a type of administration gave by the Aboriginals, they are communicating their way of life yet to the individuals who have obliterated it. It could nearly be perused as a kid attempting to get a grown-ups consideration by bouncing around and holding out what they need. To Jimmy these moving Aboriginals are hopping near and demonstrating the White Australians that they need their way of life back. This contact white pilgrims shows the amount more command they are and their way of life is. Using sensational shows Jack Davis’ play No Sugar can be perused as a postcolonial criticism.It presents various issues with colonization and the specific impacts it had on the Australian Aboriginal individuals. First acted in 1985, the play manages the battles of the nat ive individuals and abuse wherein they suffered by white Australian culture. The play was set in 1929, when native individuals were not yet acknowledged as equivalents in the public arena. The primary thoughts introduced in the play are appeared through the discourse, characters and setting. This concentrate utilizes strategies to set the reason for the idea’s that will be communicated all through the whole play.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
How to Write a Thesis Statement
How to Write a Thesis Statement Learn How to Write a Thesis Statement With The Homework Help Show Learn How to Write a Thesis Statement With The Homework Help Show Learning how to write a thesis statement will help you make sure that you have an A+ paper. This is the heart of your paper, no matter what type of essay you need to write. And that’s why it is so important. If you look at any of your grading rubric materials throughout the duration of your university or college education, you’ll likely see that the thesis statement always accounts for a large percentage of your overall mark. Your professor is looking specifically to see how you use a good thesis to set the tone and message of the paper, because this is an important way to structure and organize your work. Without that structure, you just have an essay that doesn’t get a point across, and that is probably hard to read. Do you want to learn how to write a thesis statement that will impress your professor, get you the grade, and make you feel genuinely proud of your work? We can help. Keep reading for our expert tips, and for some advice from Cath Anne, top writer and host of The Homework Help Show. View this post on Instagram ???? Time for a break! You deserve it ?? A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Feb 16, 2019 at 9:36am PST Why is a Strong Thesis Statement so Important? A good thesis statement guides the rest of your paper, and it helps you when you’re writing the rest of the content. It lets the reader know what the topic of your paper will be, what your argument is, and what you’re going to talk about. Essentially, you’re setting up the entire paper. Once you set up a solid thesis statement, you’ll know exactly what you need to research and what type of credible sources you’ll need to find. You can use your thesis statement like an outline, letting you know which information should go where in your essay for best flow. When you have a weak thesis statement, your readers won’t be able to respond to your arguments and the whole point of your paper may not be clear to them. For example, a weak thesis statement may include something generic, such as “Abraham Lincoln was a good leader in U.S. history.†A revised thesis would be, “Abraham Lincoln was a good leader in U.S. history because he ended slavery, improved the economy, and strengthened the federal government.†So, now that you know how important a good thesis statement is, it’s time to get started on yours. How a Thesis Statement Works In the first paragraph of your paper, your introduction, you will introduce the subject and include your thesis statement. Start broad, and then narrow down to your thesis statement. The points you make in your thesis will be reflected in each body paragraph, expanding on your supporting arguments. Think of it like a purpose statement. Why are you writing this paper? What is it you want your readers to know about your research topic? What kind of questions will you make people think about? Asking questions like this before you start helps you form your argument and make a strong statement about your topic. How to Write a Thesis Statement: Start From The Beginning Before we dive in to what makes a good thesis, it’s important to make sure you understand what you need to do. What type of paper are you writing? Here are just some of the types of papers your professor may assign to you: ? Research papers ? Term papers ? Argumentative essays ? Book reports ? Compare and contrast essays ? Expository essays ? Article summaries The reason that knowing what type of paper you’re writing is important is because this forms the basis for your argument, and subsequently, your thesis statement. For example, in a research paper, you may be asked to take a neutral position on your topic and provide more general information about it. So when you go to write a good thesis statement for that research paper, it will need to be written with a neutral perspective and a more overview-based tone. In contrast, when writing an argumentative essay, your thesis statement will need to clearly outline the position you’ll be arguing and the evidence that makes you believe that position. Here is the difference: When writing a research paper, the thesis statement may be, “Julius Caesar rose to power in Ancient Rome during the first century B.C., and contributed to the development of the empire through political, economic, and military developments.†Meanwhile, the thesis statement for an argumentative paper may be something like, “Julius Caesar was a tyrant and enforced a rule of political oppression, military destruction, and ruthless dictatorship.†No matter what type of paper you’re writing, it will have to be a persuasive essay that positions your topic one way or another. If you’re already feeling a little lost, don’t worry. We’re going to help you learn how to write a thesis statement with more examples to help break it down for you. View this post on Instagram ?? Writing the perfect thesis statement can be tough! Check out our Instagram story for quick tips on writing a good thesis statement. #TheHomeworkHelpShow A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Jan 17, 2019 at 2:17pm PST Decide on a Topic For Your Essay Now that you understand what type of paper you’re writing, and how important your thesis statement is, it’s time to gather your thoughts. What are you going to write about? You’ll need to know this before diving into how to write a thesis statement. Choosing a paper topic can be stressful if your teacher has given you broad guidelines or instructions. Think about what interests you. Most of the time, you’ll already have a great starting argument if you’re passionate about the topic, which translates to a really strong thesis statement. If you’re assigned a topic you’re not quite interested in, do a little research to find something about it that you may want to learn more about. You should also think about the four Ws. Answering the who, what, where, when, and why questions about a specific topic can help you narrow down why people should care. Your thesis statement will also cover some of this information about your paper, such as why you feel the way you do or why the reader should agree with your position. It’s okay if you’re not quite sure yet, or if you have a general topic that still needs to be narrowed down. Cath Anne is going to help you get to the bottom of that when she talks more about writing and creating thesis statements in this episode of the Homework Help Show. Additional Tips For Writing a Thesis Statement Follow some of these tips when it’s time to get started writing a paper and nailing down your thesis statement. They will help guide your work and ensure you have everything covered for an excellent essay. ? Start with a topic outline, where you include your tentative thesis statement and arguments. ? Pay attention to sentence structure. Your supporting arguments are stronger when they’re written properly and effectively. ? Avoid overusing passive voice. While passive voice is more acceptable to use in academic essay writing, using active voice can make everything easier to read. ? Stay away from using cliches in the first paragraph or anywhere else in the paper. ? Get someone to look over your first draft before you begin your final draft. Having extra eyes on your work helps you review your overall argument and its effectiveness for your readers. ? Take advantage of the writing resources on our YouTube page. We offer many tips and tricks that will help you throughout the entire writing process. Get Ready to Write a Good Thesis Statement! The next step in learning how to write a thesis statement is getting ready to sit down and write. You may be a little nervous starting this part, and it’s probably where you’re going to find the most writer’s block. That’s where we come in. With our tips and advice, you’ll be able to ace your essay and understand exactly how to finish up your paper. Are you ready to create a solid thesis statement? Then let’s dive in with top writer and host, Cath Anne, and The Homework Help Show! Watch EP 61 of The Homework Help Show Now So, what is a thesis statement anyway? Writing a thesis statement is a skill all students should have. It takes practice, and the right combination of components to write a strong thesis statement. Join Cath Anne on Episode 61 of The Homework Help Show as she shows you how to write a thesis statement, with examples! Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Hi guys and welcome back to our channel. I hope it is super sunny and nice where you are and now youre getting a chance to enjoy your well-earned summer vacation. Today on the show we are going to talk about how to write a thesis statement. And if youre new here welcome. This is The Homework Help Show and my name is Cath Anne. This is episode sixty-one of the show. Here on the show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Now, lets talk about how to write a thesis statement. Cath Anne: [00:00:43] What is a thesis statement anyway? A thesis statement is a statement that you make at the beginning of your essay that helps the reader to know what your essay is going to be about. So it explains the focus of your essay how you feel about the topic and then provides some reasoning as to why you feel that way. Cath Anne: [00:01:08] Now remember, a thesis statement is one of the most important components of your essay. So that means you really want to focus on getting it right and thats why we have so many videos on The Homework Help Show about how to write an effective thesis statement. So today were going to talk about the thesis statement and Im also going to provide you with a few examples. So make sure you stay tuned so that you can get a sense of how to implement the thesis statement into your essay. Cath Anne: [00:01:38] Now, every thesis statement needs three things: [00:01:42] One [00:01:43] Two [00:01:43] Three Cath Anne: [00:01:44] Number one: what is the topic of your essay? So basically what are you going to be talking about in your essay. Cath Anne: [00:01:50] Number two: how do you feel about that topic? What is it that you believe about the topic at hand? Cath Anne: [00:01:59] And number three: Can you provide some evidence? Usually three reasons that you feel that way about that specific topic. Cath Anne: [00:02:08] OK now lets break down how to write a thesis. Begin by asking a question. Cath Anne: [00:02:15] So for example, does recycling really help the environment? Thats a good ,pertinent topic. Its really on trend right now. People are looking and questioning the environment and how we can contribute to making the environment more sustainable and our actions more sustainable and preventing climate change. So definitely a pertinent topic something that well want to discuss and that will peak the interest of your reader. Cath Anne: [00:02:42] Now second youll want to create a declaration. So in other words, how do you feel about recycling and how do you feel about whether recycling impacts the environment? So for example you might say something like, recycling does help the environment. However we must make long term changes to impact climate change. So do you see what I did there? You are starting with a topic question of does recycling help the environment. And now Ive decided that recycling does help the environment. And Ill discuss that in my essay. However Im going to focus on some other reasons that recycling doesnt address so Im going to incorporate some other reasonings and some other issues that we have to deal with in order to truly impact climate change. Cath Anne: [00:03:38] And then finally as youre developing your thesis statement, youre going to want to look at three reasons that recycling does not fully address climate change and youre going to provide those. And then in turn well write our strong thesis statement. Cath Anne: [00:03:54] So lets discuss three reasons why we have to do more than just recycling to impact climate change over the long term. For example my first reason is that China no longer purchases our recycling products from the US and Canada. So we have to look for an alternative solution. Second, when we continue to buy plastic and packaged products we are contributing to waste. A more sustainable option is to reduce our waste altogether while also recycling the waste that we do produce. But focusing on waste reduction is a more sustainable approach. And my third reason is to support organizations and businesses that are providing sustainable long term solutions to climate change. Cath Anne: [00:04:47] So those are my three reasons. And just a note youre always going to want to pick reasons that you can back up with evidence so definitely do a bit of research before you write this portion of your thesis statement and in turn youll already have a little bit of research done for your essay in advance. Cath Anne: [00:05:07] So now the final step is that we want to combine and write our thesis statement. So how might that look altogether. Now that weve completed those three steps. So for example my thesis statement is going to be in two sentences:. Cath Anne: [00:05:24] Recycling is one step that we can take to help the environment, but we must look at and consider other long term solutions because China is no longer purchasing our recycling from the US and Canada. Focusing on reducing our waste, and supporting organizations that are looking for long term, sustainable alternatives to recycling, are beneficial options that will support the environment in the long term. Cath Anne: [00:05:54] So here I have written a two sentence thesis statement that provides a topic, which is recycling. And the environment. It provides my position on the topic and it provides three pieces of evidence that support my position. Cath Anne: [00:06:12] Okay guys I really hope that was helpful for you. Just a walk through and break it down that way. This was a little bit more of a casual video. Please let me know if you enjoy this style of video. And you know what. Id love to hear from you and Id love to hear how you use these steps to develop your own thesis statement. So make sure to jump into the comments below or connect with us on social media and share your thesis statement with us. We always love to hear from you and Id love to hear how you put these steps into action if you like this video. Make sure to give it a like and to subscribe to our channel. And as always. If you want to connect with us on any of our social media platforms all of the information is linked and listed in the description box below. I hope you guys are having a great summer. Cant wait to talk to you again soon. Talk soon and take care. How to Write a Thesis Statement Learn How to Write a Thesis Statement With The Homework Help Show Learn How to Write a Thesis Statement With The Homework Help Show Learning how to write a thesis statement will help you make sure that you have an A+ paper. This is the heart of your paper, no matter what type of essay you need to write. And that’s why it is so important. If you look at any of your grading rubric materials throughout the duration of your university or college education, you’ll likely see that the thesis statement always accounts for a large percentage of your overall mark. Your professor is looking specifically to see how you use a good thesis to set the tone and message of the paper, because this is an important way to structure and organize your work. Without that structure, you just have an essay that doesn’t get a point across, and that is probably hard to read. Do you want to learn how to write a thesis statement that will impress your professor, get you the grade, and make you feel genuinely proud of your work? We can help. Keep reading for our expert tips, and for some advice from Cath Anne, top writer and host of The Homework Help Show. Why is a Strong Thesis Statement so Important? A good thesis statement guides the rest of your paper, and it helps you when you’re writing the rest of the content. It lets the reader know what the topic of your paper will be, what your argument is, and what you’re going to talk about. Essentially, you’re setting up the entire paper. Once you set up a solid thesis statement, you’ll know exactly what you need to research and what type of credible sources you’ll need to find. You can use your thesis statement like an outline, letting you know which information should go where in your essay for best flow. When you have a weak thesis statement, your readers won’t be able to respond to your arguments and the whole point of your paper may not be clear to them. For example, a weak thesis statement may include something generic, such as “Abraham Lincoln was a good leader in U.S. history.†A revised thesis would be, “Abraham Lincoln was a good leader in U.S. history because he ended slavery, improved the economy, and strengthened the federal government.†So, now that you know how important a good thesis statement is, it’s time to get started on yours. How a Thesis Statement Works In the first paragraph of your paper, your introduction, you will introduce the subject and include your thesis statement. Start broad, and then narrow down to your thesis statement. The points you make in your thesis will be reflected in each body paragraph, expanding on your supporting arguments. Think of it like a purpose statement. Why are you writing this paper? What is it you want your readers to know about your research topic? What kind of questions will you make people think about? Asking questions like this before you start helps you form your argument and make a strong statement about your topic. How to Write a Thesis Statement: Start From The Beginning Before we dive in to what makes a good thesis, it’s important to make sure you understand what you need to do. What type of paper are you writing? Here are just some of the types of papers your professor may assign to you: ? Research papers ? Term papers ? Argumentative essays ? Book reports ? Compare and contrast essays ? Expository essays ? Article summaries The reason that knowing what type of paper you’re writing is important is because this forms the basis for your argument, and subsequently, your thesis statement. For example, in a research paper, you may be asked to take a neutral position on your topic and provide more general information about it. So when you go to write a good thesis statement for that research paper, it will need to be written with a neutral perspective and a more overview-based tone. In contrast, when writing an argumentative essay, your thesis statement will need to clearly outline the position you’ll be arguing and the evidence that makes you believe that position. Here is the difference: When writing a research paper, the thesis statement may be, “Julius Caesar rose to power in Ancient Rome during the first century B.C., and contributed to the development of the empire through political, economic, and military developments.†Meanwhile, the thesis statement for an argumentative paper may be something like, “Julius Caesar was a tyrant and enforced a rule of political oppression, military destruction, and ruthless dictatorship.†No matter what type of paper you’re writing, it will have to be a persuasive essay that positions your topic one way or another. If you’re already feeling a little lost, don’t worry. We’re going to help you learn how to write a thesis statement with more examples to help break it down for you. View this post on Instagram ?? Writing the perfect thesis statement can be tough! Check out our Instagram story for quick tips on writing a good thesis statement. #TheHomeworkHelpShow A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Jan 17, 2019 at 2:17pm PST Decide on a Topic For Your Essay Now that you understand what type of paper you’re writing, and how important your thesis statement is, it’s time to gather your thoughts. What are you going to write about? You’ll need to know this before diving into how to write a thesis statement. Choosing a paper topic can be stressful if your teacher has given you broad guidelines or instructions. Think about what interests you. Most of the time, you’ll already have a great starting argument if you’re passionate about the topic, which translates to a really strong thesis statement. If you’re assigned a topic you’re not quite interested in, do a little research to find something about it that you may want to learn more about. You should also think about the four Ws. Answering the who, what, where, when, and why questions about a specific topic can help you narrow down why people should care. Your thesis statement will also cover some of this information about your paper, such as why you feel the way you do or why the reader should agree with your position. It’s okay if you’re not quite sure yet, or if you have a general topic that still needs to be narrowed down. Cath Anne is going to help you get to the bottom of that when she talks more about writing and creating thesis statements in this episode of the Homework Help Show. Additional Tips For Writing a Thesis Statement Follow some of these tips when it’s time to get started writing a paper and nailing down your thesis statement. They will help guide your work and ensure you have everything covered for an excellent essay. ? Start with a topic outline, where you include your tentative thesis statement and arguments. ? Pay attention to sentence structure. Your supporting arguments are stronger when they’re written properly and effectively. ? Avoid overusing passive voice. While passive voice is more acceptable to use in academic essay writing, using active voice can make everything easier to read. ? Stay away from using cliches in the first paragraph or anywhere else in the paper. ? Get someone to look over your first draft before you begin your final draft. Having extra eyes on your work helps you review your overall argument and its effectiveness for your readers. ? Take advantage of the writing resources on our YouTube page. We offer many tips and tricks that will help you throughout the entire writing process. Get Ready to Write a Good Thesis Statement! The next step in learning how to write a thesis statement is getting ready to sit down and write. You may be a little nervous starting this part, and it’s probably where you’re going to find the most writer’s block. That’s where we come in. With our tips and advice, you’ll be able to ace your essay and understand exactly how to finish up your paper. Are you ready to create a solid thesis statement? Then let’s dive in with top writer and host, Cath Anne, and The Homework Help Show! Watch EP 61 of The Homework Help Show Now So, what is a thesis statement anyway? Writing a thesis statement is a skill all students should have. It takes practice, and the right combination of components to write a strong thesis statement. Join Cath Anne on Episode 61 of The Homework Help Show as she shows you how to write a thesis statement, with examples! Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Hi guys and welcome back to our channel. I hope it is super sunny and nice where you are and now youre getting a chance to enjoy your well-earned summer vacation. Today on the show we are going to talk about how to write a thesis statement. And if youre new here welcome. This is The Homework Help Show and my name is Cath Anne. This is episode sixty-one of the show. Here on the show we provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Now, lets talk about how to write a thesis statement. Cath Anne: [00:00:43] What is a thesis statement anyway? A thesis statement is a statement that you make at the beginning of your essay that helps the reader to know what your essay is going to be about. So it explains the focus of your essay how you feel about the topic and then provides some reasoning as to why you feel that way. Cath Anne: [00:01:08] Now remember, a thesis statement is one of the most important components of your essay. So that means you really want to focus on getting it right and thats why we have so many videos on The Homework Help Show about how to write an effective thesis statement. So today were going to talk about the thesis statement and Im also going to provide you with a few examples. So make sure you stay tuned so that you can get a sense of how to implement the thesis statement into your essay. Cath Anne: [00:01:38] Now, every thesis statement needs three things: [00:01:42] One [00:01:43] Two [00:01:43] Three Cath Anne: [00:01:44] Number one: what is the topic of your essay? So basically what are you going to be talking about in your essay. Cath Anne: [00:01:50] Number two: how do you feel about that topic? What is it that you believe about the topic at hand? Cath Anne: [00:01:59] And number three: Can you provide some evidence? Usually three reasons that you feel that way about that specific topic. Cath Anne: [00:02:08] OK now lets break down how to write a thesis. Begin by asking a question. Cath Anne: [00:02:15] So for example, does recycling really help the environment? Thats a good ,pertinent topic. Its really on trend right now. People are looking and questioning the environment and how we can contribute to making the environment more sustainable and our actions more sustainable and preventing climate change. So definitely a pertinent topic something that well want to discuss and that will peak the interest of your reader. Cath Anne: [00:02:42] Now second youll want to create a declaration. So in other words, how do you feel about recycling and how do you feel about whether recycling impacts the environment? So for example you might say something like, recycling does help the environment. However we must make long term changes to impact climate change. So do you see what I did there? You are starting with a topic question of does recycling help the environment. And now Ive decided that recycling does help the environment. And Ill discuss that in my essay. However Im going to focus on some other reasons that recycling doesnt address so Im going to incorporate some other reasonings and some other issues that we have to deal with in order to truly impact climate change. Cath Anne: [00:03:38] And then finally as youre developing your thesis statement, youre going to want to look at three reasons that recycling does not fully address climate change and youre going to provide those. And then in turn well write our strong thesis statement. Cath Anne: [00:03:54] So lets discuss three reasons why we have to do more than just recycling to impact climate change over the long term. For example my first reason is that China no longer purchases our recycling products from the US and Canada. So we have to look for an alternative solution. Second, when we continue to buy plastic and packaged products we are contributing to waste. A more sustainable option is to reduce our waste altogether while also recycling the waste that we do produce. But focusing on waste reduction is a more sustainable approach. And my third reason is to support organizations and businesses that are providing sustainable long term solutions to climate change. Cath Anne: [00:04:47] So those are my three reasons. And just a note youre always going to want to pick reasons that you can back up with evidence so definitely do a bit of research before you write this portion of your thesis statement and in turn youll already have a little bit of research done for your essay in advance. Cath Anne: [00:05:07] So now the final step is that we want to combine and write our thesis statement. So how might that look altogether. Now that weve completed those three steps. So for example my thesis statement is going to be in two sentences:. Cath Anne: [00:05:24] Recycling is one step that we can take to help the environment, but we must look at and consider other long term solutions because China is no longer purchasing our recycling from the US and Canada. Focusing on reducing our waste, and supporting organizations that are looking for long term, sustainable alternatives to recycling, are beneficial options that will support the environment in the long term. Cath Anne: [00:05:54] So here I have written a two sentence thesis statement that provides a topic, which is recycling. And the environment. It provides my position on the topic and it provides three pieces of evidence that support my position. Cath Anne: [00:06:12] Okay guys I really hope that was helpful for you. Just a walk through and break it down that way. This was a little bit more of a casual video. Please let me know if you enjoy this style of video. And you know what. Id love to hear from you and Id love to hear how you use these steps to develop your own thesis statement. So make sure to jump into the comments below or connect with us on social media and share your thesis statement with us. We always love to hear from you and Id love to hear how you put these steps into action if you like this video. Make sure to give it a like and to subscribe to our channel. And as always. If you want to connect with us on any of our social media platforms all of the information is linked and listed in the description box below. I hope you guys are having a great summer. Cant wait to talk to you again soon. Talk soon and take care.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne - 979 Words
Everyone faces penalties for the choices that he or she makes. Nathanial Hawthorne, well-known dark romanticist and author of â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†and â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†displays a love for story and symbols. Goodman Brown in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†chooses to question his faith and sells himself out of everyone because he does not believe in anyone. Whereas Hester in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†was thrown away from everyone because of her actions. Hawthorne’s usage of light and dark imagery in both, â€Å"The Scarlet Letter,†and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†represents good and evil, and the difficulty man faces to differentiate between the two In the beginning, Goodman Brown in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†is instantly guided by his wife Faith not to begin his journey at nightfall and that he should wait until the sun rises the next morning. â€Å"’Dearest heart,’ whispered she, softly and rather sadly, when her lips were close to his ear, ‘pr ythee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed to-night’†(Hawthorne). Hawthorne emphasizing that Goodman Brown is traveling toward, the darkness. This darkness symbolizes evil and the land of the devil. Faith asks him not to travel into the night in order to avoid the evil. Without listening to his wife, Goodman starts the journey into the night. In his article, Thomas Walsh also mentions the same thing stating, â€Å"Brown’s journey into the forest represents an inward journey into the black, despairing depts. of his soul.†(Walsh) TheShow MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1242 Words  |  5 PagesLYS PAUL Modern Literature Ms. Gordon The Scarlet Letter The scarlet letter is book written by Nathaniel Hawthorne who is known as one the most studied writers because of his use of allegory and symbolism. He was born on July 4, 1804 in the family of Nathaniel, his father, and Elizabeth Clark Hathorne his mother. Nathaniel added â€Å"W†to his name to distance himself from the side of the family. His father Nathaniel, was a sea captain, and died in 1808 with a yellow fever while at sea. That was aRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne960 Words  | 4 Pages3H 13 August 2014 The novel, The Scarlet Letter, was written by the author Nathaniel Hawthorne and was published in 1850 (1). It is a story about the Puritan settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, set around 1650 (2). The story is written in the third person with the narrator being the author. The common thread that runs through this novel is Hawthorne’s apparent understanding of the beliefs and culture of the Puritans in America at that time. But Hawthorne is writing about events in a societyRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne919 Words  | 4 Pagessymbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†. Symbolism is when an object is used in place of a different object. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most symbolic writers in all of American history. In â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, the letter â€Å"A†is used to symbolize a variety of different concepts. The three major symbolistic ideas that the letter â€Å"A†represents in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†are; shame, guilt, and ability. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, the firstRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1397 Words  | 6 PagesFebruary 2016 The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1850 which is based on the time frame of the Puritans, a religious group who arrived in Massachusetts in the 1630’s. The Puritans were in a religious period that was known for the strict social norms in which lead to the intolerance of different lifestyles. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the puritan’s strict lifestyles to relate to the universal issues among us. The time frame of the puritans resulted in Hawthorne eventually thinkingRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne999 Words  | 4 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne is the author of the prodigious book entitled The Scarlet Letter. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne commits adultery with Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Her husband, Roger Chillingworth, soon finds out about the incident after it becomes clear that she is pregnant. The whole town finds out and Hester is tried and punished. Meanwhile, Roger Chillingworth goes out then on a mission to get revenge by becoming a doctor and misprescribing Dimmesdale. He does this to torture DimmesdaleRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne1037 Words  | 5 Pagesthat human nature knows right from wrong, but is naturally evil and that no man is entirely â€Å"good†. Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the classic novel The Scarlet Letter, believes that every man is innately good and Hawthorne shows that everyone has a natural good side by Hester’s complex character, Chillingworth’s actions and Dimmesdale’s selfless personality. At the beginning of the Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne is labeled as the â€Å"bad guy†. The townspeople demand the other adulterer’s name, butRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1517 Words  | 7 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne composes Pearl as a powerful character even though she is not the main one. Her actions not only represent what she is as a person, but what other characters are and what their actions are. Hawthorne makes Pearl the character that helps readers understand what the other characters are. She fits perfectly into every scene she is mentioned in because of the way her identity and personality is. Pearl grows throughout the book, which in the end, help the readers better understandRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1488 Words  | 6 Pages In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the main character, Hester Prynne, is a true contemporary of the modern era, being cast into 17th century Puritan Boston, Massachusetts. The Scarlet Letter is a revolutionary novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne examining the ugliness, complexity, and strength of the human spirit and character that shares new ideas about independence and the struggles women faced in 17th century America. Throughout the novel, Hester’s refusal to remove the scarlet letterRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1319 Words  | 6 PagesPrynne and Arthur Dimmesdale are subject to this very notion in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter. Hester simply accepted that what she had done was wrong, whereas Dimmesdale, being a man of high regard, did not want to accept the reality of what he did. Similar to Hester and Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth allows his emotions to influence his life; however, his influence came as the result of hi s anger. Throughout the book, Hawthorne documents how Dimmesdale and Hester s different ways of dealingRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1714 Words  | 7 PagesSome two hundred years following the course of events in the infamous and rigid Puritan Massachusetts Colony in the 1600s, Nathaniel Hawthorne, descendant of a Puritan magistrate, in the 19th century, published The Scarlet Letter. Wherein such work, Hawthorne offered a social critique against 17th Massachusetts through the use of complex and dynamic characters and literary Romanticism to shed light on said society’s inherent contradiction to natural order and natural law. In his conclusive statements
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Gender Roles Essay - 842 Words
Gender Roles While I was growing up, gender roles were highly defined by my parents and teachers as well as all other societal influences. Boys were taught to do boy things and girls were taught to do girly things. The toys that children play with and the activities that are encouraged by adults demonstrate the influence of gender roles on todays youth. In my formative years, the masculine traits that I learned came out because of the activities that my parents had me engage in and the things that they expected from me. The expectations that my parents held for my sister, on the other hand, varied from those that they had for me, and this was made apparent through the different activities that occupied her time. My†¦show more content†¦My sister would jump rope or hullahoop. I remember when my sister wanted to skateboard because I was doing it and my parents would not let her because they said she would get hurt. My mother would cook with my sister, but never with me. My dad would take me to basketball and soccer games. When you?re young enough that your parents still make all of your fashion decisions, they dress you according to gender roles. I would never wear colors like pink or orange. I wore blue, black, and green. Little girls? clothes had flowers and ladybugs on them. My mother used to care what my sister left the house wearing, while it made no difference to her what I had on. When I was ten years old, I specifically remember a few double standards that existed. I was allowed to call girls, but my sister was not allowed to call boys. This one lasted until the end of high school. I was allowed to stay out later than she was, too. There was no place, where gender roles were more prevalent than in sports while I was growing up. Coaches, parents, and peers had a large influence in this context. Coaches have a tremendous influence on kids, and gender roles are driven into young athletes? heads. There were always those girls who would play like boys and they were referred to as ?tomboys.? The girls who did not conform to the gender roles were looked at negatively. Boys who did not play hard or weren?t good athletes were calledShow MoreRelatedGender, Masculinity, And Gender Roles1380 Words  | 6 Pagesenvironment, but is instead, viewed from the perspective of women themselves. They are not observed from outside in, but from the inside out. At the same time, Danzon reverses and thus subverts the classic representations of gender, while relocating and challenging gender roles. Unlike the common representation of women in former Mexican cinema, femininity is not defined as being an opposition to masculinity in the film. In fact, men almost rarely appear. When they do appear, they appear as constructedRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization And Gender Roles852 Words  | 4 PagesINTRODUCTIOn tell me what you are focussing on†¦..family and theirgender roles Socialisation is the process by which a child learns to respect his or her environmental laws such as norms, values and customs. Socialisation helps the infant gradually become self-aware and a knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which he or she is born. Children within the primary socialisation of the family learn a great deal from parents and other care givers such as grandparents, grandmothersRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Role844 Words  | 4 PagesGender Roles can be defined as roles society expects people to play on account of their sex life. Like all roles, gender roles are made up of sets of expectations, so they can be thought of as sets of expirations, so they can be thought of as sets of expectation that are attached to sex.(pp: 220 John E. Farley Michael W. Flota). The key word gender role affects me personally because as recent graduate of high school it’s time for me to go into the real world, of working class gender role of theRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Role Essay784 Words  | 4 Pagessession, I will discuss the gender roles in my family. The definition of gender role is the degree to which a person adopts the gender-specific behaviors ascribed by his or her culture (Matsumoto, D. R., Juang 2013, 156). For example, traditional gender roles recommend that males are aggressive, angry, and unemotional. It goes further and explains that the male should leave the home every day to make a living and be the main wage earner. The traditional gender role for the female purpose is toRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Role Essay1385 Words  | 6 PagesOF SUBMISSION Gender roles Introduction Gender is set of characteristics that may be used to differentiate between female and male through the use of one’s gender or through gender identity therefore. Gender role can be considered as the hypothetical construct in humanities and in many social sciences referring to a set of behavioral and social norms which in a particular culture may be largely regarded to be socially appropriate for individuals of a particular sex, gender roles vary from variousRead MoreThe Shift Of Gender Roles940 Words  | 4 PagesThe Shift of Gender Roles Gender roles are a major component of many wonderful pieces of literature and differ as time passes. The amazing part about reading novels set in different time periods is that as readers we can see the progression of these gender roles throughout time. Willa Cather s novel One of Ours displays both traditional and non-traditional gender roles. These gender roles are displayed through the main characters Claude and Enid, and minor characters such as Leonard Dawson andRead MoreThe Influence Of Gender Roles1404 Words  | 6 Pages The Influence of Gender Role Stereotyping Shawn Berkley Santa Fe College Abstract Study on gender role stereotypes has shown that there are several negative effects of stereotyping. The study on how gender role stereotyping effects children is not as prevalent because most believe that it doesn’t matter, since children are just forming their stereotype so children do not care. However, some psychologists have done some research on it, and from their researchRead MoreGender Roles in Society1047 Words  | 4 PagesBroadly conceptualized, gender roles are what our society expects and values in their community. They shape our behavior and values, thoughts and feelings, even going so far as to denote a person’s worth. Gender roles are present in everyday situations. In the past they strictly dictated the behavior of people in the community (the right to vote, occupations women were allowed to work in), though in the recent past have become more subtle and more successfully challenged. In some instances they areRead MoreThe Gender Roles Of A Woman975 Wo rds  | 4 Pagesshe is immediately outcasted and seen as a problem instead of embraced. Anowa, who is the young lady protagonist in Ama Ata Aidoo’s short story, â€Å"Anowa†, does just that. She challenges the gender roles in many ways throughout the story in order to push back against the idea that all women should accept the role as the passive bystander to her male counterpart that society and traditions have predetermined for her, she ultimately expects more out of her life than just living her mother’s life. RegardlessRead More Gender Roles Essay864 Words  | 4 PagesGender Roles The affects of gender roles on people greatly change the way the society runs. According to the Websters dictionary the definition of gender are the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex, and the definition of role is a character assigned or assumed. The key word in this definition is assumed; therefore, whether you are male or female, you know what role you must play in society. Traditional gender roles are beneficial
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Music publication through what was relevant in society Free Essays
Dear Miss Bethany Sharp, I have done extensive research into the following magazines in order to conclude their success as a music publication through what was relevant in society. NME 1950’s What was Society like? It was the end of wartime rationing from World War 2 and there was now a consumer society. Teenagers had now been given spending power but no means of entertainment but magazines. We will write a custom essay sample on Music publication through what was relevant in society or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rock ‘n roll hit the scene with a new audience, the emerging youth culture had now taken the music scene and Rock was now dismissed by older generations. This type of music was popular mostly with teenagers who were trying to break out of the mainstream idea of the middle class. Also, The US had now created their own Hot 100 Music Charts – NME responded to the change in Society so because teenagers wanted to break out of the idea of middle class that Editors decided to publish adds in the magazines content ‘wanted: hip young gun slingers’. NME did this so that they could get new, fresh writers who represented part of the audience; therefore they were part of the music scene and would have a more informal mode of address, therefore relate as well as appeal to them, creating success for the magazine. – NME responded to the change in Society that the US had now created a music chart, so NME they decided to introduce the first British Pop charts. It appealed to the audience and created success as it was the best selling singles chart in the UK and in a sense influenced the audience in what to listen to and what was part of the music scene. 1960’s What was Society like? London spent much of its time swinging and dancing as much of the music scene. The nation became more obsessed with political and cultural events. The British invasion of rock and roll, beat and pop performers now appeared by performers such as The Beatles. – NME responded to the change in Society to embraced the new British groups emerging at the time; The Beatles and The Rolling Stones were arguably the two most renowned groups to emerge during this 60’s and they were frequently featured on the front cover. – NME responded to the change in Society because it was between January and June 1964, NME’s sales peaked to 306,881 that as the Beatles and the rolling stones were taking on the music scene, NME was left to track the new rock music. 2000’s What was Society like? Society has now become multi-platform and fast paced because of all the new mediums and the use of synergy – technology has now become a necessity to everyday life – NME responded to the change in Society as technology was becoming more used in everyday life, i.e. the internet, NME felt that it might lose sales as factors such as piracy and easy accessible information can come about, so NME absorbs part sister/rival publication melody maker in 2000. – NME responded to the change in Society because technology was becoming more widespread that NME decided to feature on radio and television coverage in order to become more multi-platform and thus making it more successful – It appealed to the audience because NME had coverage on NME awards and weekly NME chart show on MTV2. NME had taken further steps than being just a magazine. – NME responded to the change in Society so the NME magazine as the music scene was becoming younger, NME introduced Club NME nights across Britain and to the US. Smash Hits Late 1970’s/1980’s What was Society like? Society was now full of mass unemployment and there were now a social unrest- people where now angry at the government and there were now anti-rebellion teens. Punk was introduced and the idea of being rebellious, bands like the sex pistols started to make the music scene. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine As the new music scene was young socialites and looking good was important, Smash Hits was a new glossy magazine for younger audiences . It used niches which appealed to younger audiences because it focused around â€Å"trivia†(What is your favourite colour? etc.) they used this informal mode of address to create success – It appeals to the audience to create success because it talks about lives and gossip, something the audience was looking for. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine as the magazine was talking to a new audience it created a new mode of address; it was now informal and colloquial – chatty because it had to represent the audience in order to create success. 1980’s What was Society like? Cable and MTV were introduced; it had an enormous impact on the music and young people. The CD revolutionized the music industry. Music such as Pop, Rock, new wave, Punk, country, Rap and Hip-hop became popular. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine It was because the music scene had became widespread and there were much more genres that Smash hits went on to hire many respected journalists 2000’s What was Society like? Society has now become multi-platform and fast paced because of all the new mediums and the use of synergy – technology has now become a necessity to everyday life – NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine a whole new range of platforms including Television, the internet, mobile and so on were introduced, the magazine became multi-platform as the audience became more industrialised to create success – It appealed to the audience because Today’s teens wanted faster, deeper information about music at a faster rate of accessing information, they were now able to do so. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazines started to notice that the group allegiances to pop and rock had changed, magazine realised it had to change so became more multi-platform – Magazines became more synergised, using television, radio, websites etc. This was because technology was growing and so was the young audience. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine Because the audience and the music scene were changing, the magazine had to change. Smash hits decided to keep the genre the same although it became multi-platform. – It didn’t appeal to the audience and the audience moved on, however it managed to continue using different mediums such as television, digital radio and website services Sniffin’ Glue Late 1970’s/1980’s What was Society like? Society was now full of mass unemployment and there were now a social unrest- people where now angry at the government and there were now anti-rebellion teens. Punk was introduced and the idea of being rebellious, bands like the sex pistols started to make the music scene. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Sniffin’ Glue magazine Young socialites wanted to be part of the music scene, so they wanted to belong to a group, The Sniffin’ Glue publication is one that is a fanzine – It appealed to the audience because this means it is exclusively made by fans for fans for a specific genre – Punk Zine, this meant the audience could relate to Gigs and so on. It also appealed to the audience because it meant that it could remain very Punk and shocking through the mode of address such as the aggressive and vulgar language but managed to remain very political toward the audience through the points it made. – NME responded to the change in Society so the Sniffin’ Glue magazine It was because the audience wanted to be heard that the publisher Perry encourages reader to make their own fanzines so sniffin’ glue had less circulation – It appealed to the audience because it Introduced the British punk culture and DIY Punk ethic so fans created their own fanzines. By doing this they kept the audiences demands and met theirs, overall creating success – It appealed to the audience as the mode of address was very opinionated, they were able to say what they wanted a it was a non-profit fanzine – They appealed to the audience as they represented them through the cover as it very punk and shocking almost making a political statement How to cite Music publication through what was relevant in society, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Analysis Of Maltese Falcon Essay Example For Students
Analysis Of Maltese Falcon Essay I dont recall if Gutman said it in the movie about the Falcon being coated by lacquer to obfuscate that its really made of gold and jewels. I think it was implied that nothing is what they really seem to be. This is what I believe Dashiell Hammett was trying to communicate through his novel, The Maltese Falcon. In this paper I will write about why I believe what is Hammett trying to convey through his cast of characters. These characters are unlike the image and stereotype cast upon their roles. Sam Spade isnt exactly the typical (stereotypical?) main character or rather a detective character (I think for any main character.) By his looks/appearance, He Spade looked rather pleasantly like a blond satan; (p. 3). Suggesting he is not angelic looking like lets say Humphrey Bogard (an indication that the movie isnt true to the novel). The film ruined the ironic un-charming hero concept the novel have and so do I as one of my first example of the things-are-not-what-they-seemed-theory-for-Hammetts message.; Spade is callous, avaricious, and shares a similarity with Mike from The House of Games. Why I think Mike and Spade are similar? For one thing Brigid OShaughnessy gave Spade a talk/speech about him using her pretty much the same thing Ford asked Mike in the airport. Brigids comment (p. 211-212) Youve been playing with me? Only pretending you cared-to trap me like this? You didnt-care at all? You didnt-dont-I-love-me?; Fords You used me; speech is strikingly similar to Brigids including the reaction from Mike/Spade. The two men both refused to show sympathy and they did both had sex with their respective victims er women except Mike ends up dead and Brigid ends up in jail. Ford and Mike and Spade and Brigid share many similarities from the two women being used and the men conning these women. We know what Mike did already and Spade used his devilish charm to get Brigid to solve the case. He conned her into giving him money, win his trust, and played with her feelings. The comparison between Mike and Spade is to show that Spade is more of a con men than a detective which I hope are (usually) depicted as law-abiding, straight-arrow, gentlemen. Spade is a proto-badass character. I think Hammett is trying to convey that heroes arent always good. Brigid OShaughnessy (whom I will refer as Brigid because her last name is long) is a complex character in which that she appears to be a typical damsel-in-distress but suppose to be a beautiful and treacherous woman whose loyalties shift at the drop of a dime.; (backcover) Yet Brigid is demure and gentle throughout the novel. In the movie however she seemed blunt unlike her very shy novel counterpart. She was less shy in the movie and she said why she needed Spade and Archers help right away wereas in the novel she said Could you-? I thought-I-that is-; softly. I think due to the womens movement that happened recently then they decided to make Brigid less shy. Brigids character is unlike the usual damsel-in-distress female role though she her mannerisms is. Brigids non damsel-in-distress characteristics are subtle. Brigids treacherous acts were mentioned but she was never shown acting it outright. These acts were also vague that it barely makes you think of Brigid any less. When I re ad the book I didnt see how Brigid is treacherous. Brigid lied but that doesnt seem treacherous at all maybe because I think it was written in a way as if she is telling a tiny white lie. Her so called treachery are obfuscated by her demure mannerism as if to soften them. In the end of the novel/film when she revealed that she killed Miles she said it in a way that it was an innocent accident and goes on with her You used me; speech to make it look like the victim. Brigids lines were written in a way they it makes her look victimized and sorry that we are inclined to be sympathetic of what a tortured soul she is that we cant help but not realize that she is a manipulative witch! I must say that Brigid is a well written character. Hammettt wrote her in a way that we the reader think she is what she is: a poor victimized girl when she is really subtly manipulating our judgment of her, making us think shes innocent. Thats very treacherous!Casper Gutman is very much like Santa Claus in a way that he seems jolly and calm all the time. Gutman never lost his temper once but even if he did his face always stayed jolly. In my opinion Gutman is the protagonist of the novel/film because he is the mastermind of the whole black bird caper. He has lethal underlings: Wilmer and (perhaps) Cairo. Gutman doesnt seem like a bad guy because of the way hes portrayed as Santa-like. It seems like he is the opposite of spade. Spade is the good guy who looks bad and Gutman is a bad guy who looked nice. I think Hammett never really established whos good and bad. Gutman never threatened Spade with his life to get the falcon. Gutman hired Spade and Spade just didnt agree with them that much. So Gutman is not exactly an antagonist. I dont even think there is an antagonist who try to make the protagonists life hell except maybe Dundy. Dundy however isnt the bad guy but the guy who doesnt trust a shady character which is typical nowadays in stories with a protagonist like Spade. In conclusi on, I think Hammett wants us to realize that everything isnt black and white, there are shades of gray or so the saying goes. Not all good things are good and not all bad things are bad. Meaning we cant just based everything with stereotypes and appearances for they are deceiving. Through it all its how good or bad a person is inside that determines whether they are indeed good and bad. This however cannot be seen, youll have to know this person before you can find out. Spade seemed callous as I said but he has a devoted loyalty to Miles. He didnt show he cared for Miles but he did in theend when he put his feelings for Brigid aside to bring his partners killer to justice. Of course Spade also did this because he doesnt want to be Brigids sap but like I said nothing is clear.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Success of Graphic Systems; Advantages and Disadvantages
Introduction The research and development in the manufacture of drugs, chemicals, automobiles, airplanes, industrial plants, buildings etc, has seen the production of higher quality products. Advanced computer animation techniques produce exceptionally high quality movies and games. These have been made possible thanks to the modern graphics systems, which give endless possibilities in the design and production of new products. According to Mraz, the era of using hand-drawn presentations for finalized designs is gone (Para. 3).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Success of Graphic Systems; Advantages and Disadvantages specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Graphics systems include hardware and software systems used in the design, analysis and making graphical presentations of both real life and theoretical phenomena. Advantages of Graphical Systems Usability Graphical techniques offer more flexible and options compared to other traditional methods in design. One can make changes and undo them without tampering with the whole design. It is also possible to view a model from different angles by rotating it along various axes. One can also perfect on minute details of a design by magnifying it to see them clearly. Presenting images in three dimensions enables designers to illustrate inner parts of structures they design, bringing clarity on the structures they intend to build. Some graphical applications like Photoshop and illustrator come with tutorials, which help inexperienced users to solve any difficulties. They have a user-friendly interface, usually designed with diversified functions for simplicity. Research and Product Development Graphical representation software contributes much in research. Models can be presented in three dimensions giving researchers a broader picture of how natural phenomena operate. In engineering, presentation of models in three-dimensional manner enables engineers to identify weaknesses in structures and areas of possible improvement. Computer aided molecular modeling is used in computational chemistry to investigate molecular structures and properties using graphical visualization techniques. The techniques are very useful in polymer and catalysis science in the discovery of new synthesis pathways. The results obtained help to predict molecular properties such as structural information, atomic radii, bond angles, and molecular motions. Computer aided molecular design is highly applicable in pharmaceutical work in discovering, designing and optimization of compounds with desired structures and properties used as components in drug formulations. There are many applications for architectural work currently, which enable easy creation and modification of designs. They are useful in â€Å"simplifying the analysis and construction of proposed designs†(Greenberg 105). Product improvement is made easier with graphic design software. Modificatio ns can be made by changing values on the design producing different variationsAdvertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Time In product development, the traditional method is to produce samples and carry out tests on them, a process that is time consuming. Dorsey and McMillan point that, the availability of such technology â€Å"frees humans from tedious and mundane tasks†(Para. 4). Computer aided design on the other hand involves designing of a graphical presentation of a virtual model. Tests are then done on the model using special software. This saves not only time, but also other resources that would have been used in testing the real structure, hence the cost of production. Many graphical systems can run a combination of many functions at one time reducing the procedures of carrying out experiments. In such a scenario, graphical systems create a platform for creativity and innovation since â€Å"ideas frequently come more quickly than they can be recorded†(McKim 11). One is able to put all of his/her ideas in a model, carry out tests on the model using graphical applications, and then make possible changes. A common feature of these systems is the ability to multitask and carry out real time research in scientific work (Klein 6). The system gives feedback that the user is able to respond to manipulate results in any desirable direction. Design Advertising is an important aspect in the business world. Customers respond to product or service depending on how it is presented to them. Graphical techniques are applied to produce attractive adverts and billboards. Applications like CorelDraw and Photoshop are used to produce magnificent images used in the adverts. Graphics make adverts lively and make them more appealing to potential customers. Disadvantages of Graphical Systems Complexity A majority of complex graphical system applications require prior training before use. Some of the graphics applications are so complex that they need an expert to install and customize the settings. Most of the software companies who write graphics software have professionals as their target hence only experts in a particular field can utilize certain software. A good example is some Supervisory and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA) which come with graphical components are so complex that only trained individuals can use them(Bailey and Wright 10). Limitations Like all other computerized systems, graphical system lack the intelligence of understanding real world conditions and principles like the purpose of the structure it is designing. The designer has to figure out a way of obtaining the relevant results while maintaining the objective of the design process.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Success of Graphic Systems; Advantages and Disadvantages specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Le arn More This means that the user needs to not only be an expert in the field in question she/he is undertaking the study, but also be well acquainted with the software. It may take several months or even years for one to learn how to operate graphics software. Some Programming Logic Controls, (PLCs), used in industrial plants; take months of training for one to operate them. Therefore, the designer makes the decisions while the system makes the calculations. Cost Most computer-based graphics application change in their technology at a very high rate. This requires one to keep on updating the current software costing a lot of money. The problem is compounded by the presence of many graphics system manufacturers flooding the market with many products, which are not compatible with one another. Graphics applications are not only expensive, but also need machines with high specifications and the higher the machine specifications, the higher the cost. Conclusion Generally, graphical s ystems reduce the time a research work consumes and even improves the quality and reliability of results. They perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible and reduce the workload in research and development. They however come with disadvantages in their complexity, cost, and limitations, but their benefits outweigh the setbacks hence, will continue to advance and probably become more user-friendly. Works Cited Bailey, David, and Wright Edwin. Practical SCADA for Industry. Oxford: Elsevier, 2003. Print. Dorsey, Julie, and McMillan Leonard. Computer Graphics and Architecture: State of the Art and Outlook for the Future, 1998. Web. https://www.siggraph.org//publications/newsletter/v32n1/contributions/dorsey.html Greenberg, Donald. â€Å"Computers in Architecture.†Scientific American 264. 2 (1991): 104-109. Print. Klein, Mark. A Practitioner’s Handbook for Real-Time Analysis: Guide to Rate Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Systems. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1993. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More McKim, Robert. Experiences in Visual Thinking. Boston: PWS Publishers, 1980. Print. Mraz, Stephen. Changes in the Engineering Profession 80 Years of Engineering, 7 Apr. 2009. Web. https://www.machinedesign.com/technologies/changes-engineering-profession-over-80-years This essay on Success of Graphic Systems; Advantages and Disadvantages was written and submitted by user Benjamin S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire You
225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire You 225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire You 225 Foreign Phrases to Inspire You By Mark Nichol Here’s another writing challenge for you, a sequel to 150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You. I’ve listed foreign phrases that eloquently draw, in just a few words, a portrait of a person or a situation. Some are obscure in their figurative language (esprit d’le escalier, one of my favorite expressions, refers to the chagrin you feel about coming up with a bon mot or an insult only after the opportunity to utter it has passed) and may require some research on the reader’s part, though everyone can identify with them once the meaning is clear. Others (crise de conscience) are not only universally resonant in our experience but also transparent. Once you’ve chosen one expression, use it as a prompt for a short story. Think what you can do with a story titled â€Å"Mole ruit sua†or â€Å"Hic illae lacrimae.†(Moliere wrapped an entire play, one of the greatest ever written, around malade imaginaire.) Alternatively, this post is a rich mine for a tale featuring an insufferable boor who tosses off foreign expressions ad arbitrium to advertise his erudition. At the very least, employ these phrases to encapsulate your characters; the preceding type could be labeled folie de grandeur, or you might keep faux-naif in mind when writing another character. 1. ab incunabulis: from the cradle 2. a bon chat, bon rat: to a good cat, a good rat (retaliation in kind) 3. a bouch ouverte: with open mouth (eagerly, uncritically) 4. ab ovo usque ad mala: from egg to apples (from beginning to end) 5. a bras ouverts: with open arms 6. ab uno disce omnes: from one learn to know all 7. a coup sur: with sure stroke (surely) 8. acte gratuit: gratuitous impulsive act 9. ad arbitrium: at will (arbitrarily) 10. ad extremum: to the extreme (at last) 11. ad majorem Dei gloriam: to the greater glory of God 12. ad patres: to his fathers (deceased) 13. ad unguem: to the fingernail (exactly) 14. ad utrumque paratus: prepared for either event 15. aegri somnia: a sick man’s dreams 16. aequam servare mentem: to preserve a calm mind 17. aequo animo: with even mind (calmly) 18. aere perennius: more lasting than bronze 19. a huis clos: with closed doors 20. a l’abandon: carelessly 21. a la belle etoile: under the beautiful star (in the open air at night) 22. a la bonne heure: at a good time (all right) 23. a la page: at the page (up to the minute) 24. alter idem: another self 25. a maximis ad minima: from the greatest to the least 26. a marveille: marvelously 27. amicus humani generis: friend of the human race 28. amicus usque ad aras: a friend as far as to the alters (a friend to the last extremity) 29. ami de cour: court friend 30. armamentum ad baculum: argument of the staff (appeal to force) 31. arrectis auribus: with ears pricked up 32. a torte et a travers: wrong and crosswise (without rhyme or reason) 33. au bout de son latin: at the end of one’s Latin (at the end of one’s mental resources) 34. au fait: to the point (socially correct) 35. au grand serieux: in all serious 36. au mieux: on the best terms (on intimate terms) 37. aurea mediocritas: the golden mean 38. auspicium melioris aevi: an omen of a better age 39. ausssitot dit, aussitot fait: no sooner said than done 40. autres temps, autres moeurs: other times, other customs 41. aut vincere aut mori: either to conquer or to die 42. bellum omnium contra onnes: war of all against all 43. bien-pensant: right minded (orthodox) 44. bon gre, mal gre: whether with good grace or bad (willy-nilly) 45. bonis avibus: under good auspices 45. brutum fulmen: insensible thunderbolt (futile threat of display of force) 47. cadit quaestio: the question drops (the argument collapses) 48. capable de tout: capable of anything (unpredictable) 49. cause sine qua non: an indispensable cause or condition 50. cheval de bataille: war-horse (argument constantly relied on) 51. comedie humaine: human comedy (the whole variety of human life) 52. comedie larmoyante: tearful comedy (sentimental comedy) 53. comagnon de voyage: traveling companion 54. compte rendu: report 55. concordia discors: discordant harmony 56. confessio fidei: confession of faith 57. contemptus mundi: contempt for the world 58. coup de maitre: masterstroke 59. coup d’essai: experiment 60. coute que coute: cost what it may 61. cri de coeur: cry of the heart 62. crise de conscience: crisis of conscience 63. crise de nerfs: crisis of nerves 64. crux criticorum: crux of critics 65. cum grano salis: with a grain of salt 66. custos morum: guardian of morals (censor) 67. de bonne grice: with good grace 68. de l’audace, encore de l’audace, et toujours de l’audace: audacity, more audacity, and ever more audacity 69. de mal en pis: from bad to worse 70. Deo favente: with God’s favor 71. de profundis: out of the depths 72. desipere in loco: to indulge in trifling at the proper time 73. Deus absconditus: hidden God (unknowable God) 74. dies faustus: lucky day 75. dies infaustus: unlucky day 76. dies irae: day of wrath 77. esprit d’le escalier: the wit of the staircase 78. faux bonhomme: false friend 79. faux-naif: affectedly simple or childlike 80. festina lente: make haste slowly 81. feux d’artifice: fireworks, or show of wit 82. folie de grandeur: delusion of greatness, megalomania 83. furor loquendi: rage for speaking 84. furor poeticus: rage for poetry 85. furor scribendi: rage for writing 86. gens du mond: fashionable people 87. guerre a outrance: war to the uttermost 88. haut gout: slight taint of decay 89. hic illae lacrimae: hence these tears 90. homme d’esprit: witty man 91. in omnia paratus: ready for all things 92. in partibus infidelium: in the land of the infidels 93. in statu quo ante bellum: just like before the war 94. januis clausis: behind closed doors 95. jeu de mots: play on words 96. ktema es ai: a possession for ever (enduring art or literature) 97. la belle dame sans merci: the beautiful lady without mercy 98. lacrimae rerum: tragedy of life 99. lapsus calami: slip of the pen 100. lapsus linguae: slip of the tongue 101. laudatory temporis acti: one who praises past times 102. lusis naturae: freak of nature 103. magni nominis umbra: the shadow of a great name 104. malade imaginaire: imaginary invalid 105. malis avibus: under evil auspices 106. mauvais quart d’heure: uncomfortable but brief experience 107. meden agen: nothing in excess 108. mens sana in corpore sano: a sound mind in a sound body 109. metteur et scene: (stage or film) director 110. meum et tuem: mine and yours 111. mirabile visu: wonderful to behold 112. mole ruit sua: it collapses from its own size 113. monumentum aere perennius: a monument more lasting than bronze 114. multum in parvo: much in little 115. mysterium tremendum: overwhelming mystery 116. ne quid nimis: not anything in excess 117. nil admirari: equanimity 118. nolens volens: willy-nilly 119. nostalgie de la boue: attraction to what is unworthy, crude, or degrading 120. novus homo: upstart 121. novus ordo seclorum: a new cycle of the ages 122. nuit blanche: sleepless night 123. obscurum per obscurius: explaining the obscure by means of the more obscure 124. onus probandi: burden of proof 125. ore rotundo: eloquently 126. otium cum dignitate: leisure with dignity 127. outre-mer: overseas 128. pallida Mors: pale Death 129. panem et circenses: bread and circuses 130. pater patriae: father of his country 131. paucis verbis: in a few words 132. pax vobiscum: peace be with you 133. peine forte et dure: strong and hard punishment 134. per angusta ad augusta: through difficulties to honors 135. peu a peu: little by little 136. peu de chose: a trifle 137. peu d’occasion: piece for a special occasion 138. piece justificative: document serving as evidence 139. piece montee: set piece (said of decorative food) 140. pleno jure: with full right 141. plus royaliste que le roi: more royalist than the king 142. pocas palabras: few words 143. point de repere: point of reference 144. police verso: with thumb turned (down) 145. pour rire: for laughing (not to be taken seriously) 146. pro aris et focis: for alters and firesides 147. pro bono publico: for the public good 148. pro hac vice: for this occasion 149. pro patria: for one’s country 150. pro rege, lege, et grege: for the king, the law, and the people 151. pro re nata: as needed 152. quantum mutates ab illo: how changed from what he once was 153. quantum sufficit: as much as suffices 154. quoad hoc: to this extent 155. quod erat demonstrandum: which was to be proved 156. quod erat faciendum: which was to be done 157. quod semper, quod ubique, quo dab omnibus: what (has been held) always, everywhere, by everybody 158. quorum pars magna fui: in which I played a great part 159. raison d’etat: reason of state 160. reculer pour mieux sauter: to draw back in order to make a better jump 161. re infecta: the beusiness being unfinished 162. religio loci: religious sanctity of a place 163. ruse de guerre: war strategem 164. rus in urbe: country in the city 165. saeva indignatio: fierce indignation 166. sal Atticum: Attic salt (wit) 167. salon des refuses: salon of the refused (exhibition of officially rejected art) 168. salto mortale: deadly jump (dangerous or crucial undertaking) 169. sancta simplicitas: holy simplicity (naivete) 170. sans doute: without doubt 171. sans gene: without embarrassment or constraint 172. sans peur et sans reproche: without fear and without reproach 173. sans souci: without worry 174. scene a faire: obligatory scene 175. secundum artem: according to the art (according to the accepted practice) 176. secundum naturam: according to nature (naturally) 177. se defendendo: in self-defense 178. semper eadem: always the same (feminine form) 179. semper fidelis: always faithful 180. semper idem: always the same (masculine form) 181. semper paratus: always prepared 182. simpliste: naive 183. splendide mendax: nobly untruthful 184. spolia opima: rich spoils (spoils of the victor) 185. status quo ante bellum: the state existing before the war 186. suaviter in modo, fortiter in re: gently in manner, strongly in deed 187. suo jure: in his own right 188. suo loco: inits proper palce 189. suo marte: by one’s own exertions 190. sur place: in place (on the spot) 191. suum cuique: to each his own 192. tant mieux: so much the better 193. tant pis: so much the worse (too bad) 194. tempus edax rerum: time, that devours all things 195. totidem verbis:: in so many words 196. totis viribus: with all one’s might 197. toto caelo: by the whole extenet of the heavens 198. toujour perdix: always partridge (too much of a good thing) 199. tour d’horizon: circuit of the horizon (general survey) 200. tous frais faits: all expenses defrayed 201. taut au contraire: quite the contrary 202. tout a vous: wholly yours (at your service) 203. tout bien ou rien: everything well (done) or nothing (attempted) 204. tout court: quite short (simply) 205. tout de meme: all the same (nevertheless) 206. tout de suite: Immediately 207. tout ensemble: all together 208. tout le monde: everybody 209. trahison de clercs: treason of the intellectuals 210. tanche de vie: slice of life 211. tristesse: melancholy 212. ultima ratio regum: the final argument of kings (war) 213. uno animo: with one mind 214. urbi et orbi: to the city and the world (to everyone) 215. utile dulci: the useful with the agreeable 216. va et vient: coming and going (traffic) 217. ventre a terre: belly to the ground (at very great speed) 218. verbatim ac litteratim: word for word, and letter for letter 219. vieux jeu: old game (old hat) 220. vin du pays: wine of the locality 221. virgo intacta: untouched virgin 222. virtute et armis: by valor of arms 223. vis medicatrix natureae: the healing power of nature 224. vita nuova: new life 225. vox et praeterea nihil: voice and nothing more Want to improve your English 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Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Young People Essay
Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Young People - Essay Example Many agencies have taken a stand on teen sexual activity teaching abstinence or protection, but the American Social Health Association (ASHA) is a leader in the understanding and prevention of the transmission of STIs in sexually active individuals, especially young people. Not only can information be found on their website, www.ashastd.org but can also be found at their teen oriented site, www.iwannaknow.org. These sites and this agency are bound to the education and prevention of the spread of STIs in the United States and in concert with other non-profit and governmental agencies. ASHA has been working as a non-profit public health agency since 1914. Initially named the American Social Hygiene Association, its first main focus was to prevent the spread of venereal disease in military soldiers fighting in World War I. In the 1920s, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. helped to fund the ASHA mission, and a special fund was used to create the Committee for Research in Syphilis (ASHA, 2009). In the 1930's, 36 states have created local affiliations with ASHA, and help to change the view of venereal diseases from a moral to medical issue (ASHA, 2009). A major milestone occurred in 1947 when the International Union of Venereal Diseases and Treponematoses names ASHA as its American liaison to the United Nations. Even as early as 1956, ASHA took an interest in the growing number of teenagers being infected with the diseases. In the years leading to today, ASHA has not sat back quietly, but has been the rallying force for many studies, prevention training for medical professional s and educational professionals. In essence, ASHA has remained at the forefront with helping those who have questions through hotlines, community centers, and now even the internet (ASHA, 2009). Mission and Vision of ASHA The mission of ASHA has never changed in all the years it has been working for public sexual health. The three person executive staff along with the board of directors ensures the ASHA remains focused on education in and prevention of STIs. The association has four main visions that they work on constantly. The first is the public awareness that is focused on educating, preventing, and the destigmatization of STIs. The second focus is the "patient education and support" which educates patients in aspects of their infections and how to deal with doctors and partners. The third vision health care policies working as advocates for the research and prevention of STIs. The last part of the vision focuses on provider training in the areas of prevention and treatment of STIs (ASHA, 2009). Who Benefits the Most ASHA benefits all that are looking for help or answers to questions. However, the association has taken a strong interest in the youth in relation to the contraction of STIs and how the numbers are growing and have been for the past 40 plus years. Because of this, ASHA has created the www.iwannaknow.org website to make finding answers easy and anonymously by the teens that truly need the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Discuss critically the assertion that revolutionary processes in the Essay
Discuss critically the assertion that revolutionary processes in the Arab world have reached maturity due to the crucial role pl - Essay Example The advent of new media has made it easier for people and parties to gather and use information, and spread as far and wide as they want (Anderson and Eickelman, 2003: 39). Today, social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have united millions of people, especially those with common interests and agendas. These platforms allow people to share ideas, thoughts and sentiments and discuss them with people interested, a process usually referred to as cyber activism. This activism has even made online political discussions possible. The Arab World countries have however, found new use for the new media. For them, their smart phones, twitter and Facebook are not just used for leisure, sharing, commenting and following, they have become their tools of liberation, their weapons against dictatorial regimes and a platform for gathering people towards mass action and collective responsibility (Anderson and Eickelman, 2003: 39). For these countries, it is a time for revolution, a time to change their lives, change corrupt regimes and establish a whole new season of leadership. The question is, is it right to say that the Arab world has reached its maturity in revolutionary processes due to the roles played by the new media? This is the question that this work seems to find an answer to. To do this, some case studies of events and countries where social media has been used to foster revolution, then an analysis of all the cases shall be done and a conclusion drawn. The 2010 Tunisia Revolution It all started when a street vendor in Tunisia, Mohamed Bouazizi set himself ablaze on claims of harassment by officials of the municipality. The updates of these images on the social media not only went viral but it also attracted emotional and harsh comments from the people, all attacking the government. This horrible police action laid the foundation of the revolution. The revolution, also commonly referred to as the Jasmine Revolution took place from 18th December of 2010. Some of the reasons why the protestors took to the streets included unemployment, inflation especially in the food sector, curtailed and restricted freedom of speech, unhealthy living conditions, police brutality among others. During the protests, which went to as far as past March of 2011, many people died and others injured. To the activists and non conformers, they wanted nothing less than the step-down of the then president, Zine EL Abidine Ben Ali. He had exercised his dictatorial rule for over 23 years since his election in 1987. The revolutionary protests in Tunisia took place in form of strikes, online activism, civil resistance and disobedience among others. When the government realized that the protestors were not willing to back off or retreat, Ben Ali finally stepped down on 15th January 2011. Foud Mebazaa then became the acting president, and the protestors demanded that elections be held in sixty days. All the RCD members were removed from government but the protests d id not subside, resulting to the resignation of the prime minister. Tunisia opened the gate for the Arab world uprisings and revolutions, which have seen huge and immense changes in the dictatorial regimes. The revolution became famously known as the Twitter revolution, where the protests claimed that they were tweeting out the tyrants .To them, they were ready to bring change to the country and fight for democracy. The new media was vastly and widely used to propagate and call for mass action. At then, Tunisia had become a center of focus in
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Effects Of Thermal Pollution On Aquatic Species
Effects Of Thermal Pollution On Aquatic Species The pollution is the biological, chemical or physical alteration of the water, land, or air that is harmful to living organisms, ocean waters and surface waters. The surface waters, such as lakes, rivers, streams, and underground aquifers can get affected in different way. They can get polluted in common way including human and animal wastes, pathogenic microorganisms, pesticides, and sediment. The water pollution can happen in industrial nations by wasting toxic metals, organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and acids. The human activities that can contribute to pollution are constructions, drilling, dam construction, salting of roads and driveways to melt the ice, waste disposal and agriculture. Sometimes even hot water can consider as a pollutant. The effects of water pollution follow the path of the waters as they trickle through soil, filter through rock beds, and flow down streams and river system, and into oceans. The excess amount of inorganic nutrients such as nitrates and phos phates or raw sewage pollutes lakes or ponds, algae and aquatic plants overgrow. As of the aquatic plants die, they fall in the bottom of the water and the bacteria and other microorganisms decompose the remaining of them and that uses up all the dissolved oxygen in the water and suffocating the other aquatic life in the lake or pond. Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature, which is associated with increase in water temperature in streams, lakes or the ocean due to the discharge of heated water from industrial processes. How does the water quality change? It changes when water is used in industrial and power plants as a coolant. Whenever it is used and returned to the natural environment, the temperature changes, because warmer water effluent creates a reduced oxygen supply in the environment and therefore it affects aquatic ecosystems. Whenever the power plants are opened or shut off for repair, the fish and other aquatic species, cannot adapt to sudden changes in temperature and they are killed by thermal shock. In addition to harming aquatic life that cannot tolerate the warmer water, the warmer temperatures lower the amount of dissolved oxygen. The elevated temperature decreases the dissolved oxygen in water and this harms aquatic animals by increasing the metabolic rate of aquatic animal due to increased enzyme activity, which results in increase in food consumption within organism shorter period of time. Sometimes this results in disruptions of the food chain and decrease in biodiversity. The higher water temperature can also result in increases in aquatic plant growth rates, shorter lifespan and over population of the species. Algae blooms also reduce oxygen levels. The higher temperature denatures the life supporting enzymes by breaking disulphide and hydrogen bond in enzymes structure, which results in the inability to break down lipids which leads to malnutrition. The heated water has multiple effects on the nearby ecosystem. The warmer temperatures increase the ability of plants to photosynthesize, which may spur an algal bloom. It also increases the stress on plants and animals in the water. The temperature changing harms the fish and other aquatic organisms in many ways. The fish and invertebrates are ectotherm s; where they are cold blooded animals, which are slow moving, slow growing and adapted to specific water temperature. This warmer temperature speeds up their metabolism, which harms their ability to survive and reproduce. The native fish like trout may lose their ground while nonnative take place instead of them. All these power plants have different types of cooling systems, which is easiest and cheapest cooling method, where cool water is withdrawn from a nearby water body and hot water is returned to the same water body. Soon as the system is by far the most environmentally destructive, the closed cycle cooling reuses the cooling water so that the waste heat does not leave the plant, but still excess heat is released into the atmosphere from the plant towers. The nuclear energy is the No 1 source of the free electricity which provides 20% of the United States electricity. There are 437 nuclear power plants are in operation and 55 are under construction worldwide. Those 437 plants have a net capacity of about 371 GW and the 55 will have capacity of 51 GW to generate the energy. The 20% of the electricity is provided by 104 reactors in whole United State, where 35 of the reactors are boiling water reactors and 69 of them are pressurized water reactors. In the boiling water reactors, 14 of them are one reactor; 9 of them are two reactors and 1 has three reactors. For the pressurized water reactors, 15 of them are one reactor, 24 of them are two reactors and 2 of them have three reactors. There are 32 companies which are licensed to operate the nuclear reactors in United States. As of the 2009 records, 8 of the states have 31 reactors and those states generate largest percentage of the electricity. The Vermont state has generated largest perc entage of the electricity in 2009, which was 72%, then 2nd largest comes to New Jersey 55.1%, following Connecticut 53.4%, South Caroline 52.0%, Illinois 48.7%, New Hamphshire 44.1%, Virginia 39.6% and at last in 8 state Pennsylvania with 35.1%. The United States largest nuclear plant is located at Palo Verde in Arizona. That plant has 3 reactors which generates 1,311 MW, 1,314 MW, and 1,317 MW for a total of 3,942 megawatts. On the other side Uniteds smallest nuclear power plant is at the Ft. Calhoun in Nebraska with 1 reactor and capacity of the 482 MW of generation electricity. In the time line the newest nuclear power plant that was built was in June 1996, in Tennessee. This plant is called Watts Bar 1, which is located in the spring city, and the capacity for generation if 1,123 MW. From 1990s to 2000s there have been 4 other plants have been built, which are in August 1993, the Comanche Peak 2 with capacity of 1,158 MW and in 1990, the Comanche Peak 1, with capacity of 1,209 M W. The other 2 were in August 1990, the Seabrook 1 in New Hampshire with 1,244 MW capacity and in January 1990, Limerick 2 in Pennsylvania with 1,134 MW by Exelon Corporation. The oldest operating nuclear plant is Oyster Creek in New Jersey, operating license since April 1969. The nuclear reactor is a device to initiate, control and sustain a nuclear chain reaction. The most common use of it is in generation of electrical power and to transport the power. The nuclear reactor is usually involves heat from the reactor chamber to power steam turbines. These reactors are made by 4 major manufacturers. The reactor manufacturers are GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, Westinghouse, AREVA NP and Asea Brown Boveri/Combustion Engineering (ABB-CE), where ABB-CE is the worldwide nuclear business company. As of the generation capacity by all the nuclear power plants in United Nations 20.2% or 798.7 billion kilowatt-hours (bkWh) of the total U.S. electricity and 14% or 2,560 billion kilowatt-hours of the worlds electricity in 2009. In comparison to other sources, 1,000 MWe reactors has 90% of amount of electricity has generated in 1 year. The generated electricity is 7.9 billion KWh, which is good for 740,000 households. To generate that much amount of energy by other fuel sour ces, it would require 13.7 million barrels of the oil or 3.4 million tons of coal or 65.8 billion cubic feet of the natural gas. As of the plant performance the South Texas Project 2 in Texas has generated of 11.8 billion KWh in 2007 with most electricity generation record and the longest operating period between refueling goes to LaSalle 1 from Illinois in February 2006 for 739 days. Oyster Creek, Hope Creek, Salem Nuclear Power Plant Figure : Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.The Oyster Creek Nuclear Generation Station (OCNGS) is oldest operating nuclear power plant in United States, which is located in Forked River in the Lacey Township, in New Jersey. This plant is spread out in 700 acres of the land and build by Burns Roe, Inc. and owned by the Exelon Corporation. It is one of the four nuclear power plant unit in New Jersey. The other 2 units are at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant, and the Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The OCNGS plant was built in 1965 and started power generating in December, 1969 with a license to work for 40 years, but in 2009 the license was extended for another 20 years by The Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The plant draws its cooling water from Barnegat Bay, and dumps the water into the Atlantic Ocean through Barnegat Inlet. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued the license for first 40 years on the basis of the economic and antitrust considerations, but not techni cal limitations (Peter N. Tabbot M.P.H. and Mark G. Robson, M.P.H. September 2006). The OCNGS has a capacity of producing 619 MWe, the total power generated in 2007 was 5077 GW-h and from last 5 year average generation capacity is 5042 GW-h by using a boiling water reactor (BWR). This power plant has generated 4.9 million MWh with capacity factor of 91% and served 600,000 homes as of 2009 record. Each day the OCNGS uses 1.3 billion gallons of Barnegat Bay Water for its antiquated cooling system, which is 2.2% of the total volume of the bay per day and over 790% of the bay per year (CITATION). When the plant automatically shuts downs for safety reasons, fish gets killed due to lack of warm water that input into the bay. In 2002, 5,876 fish were killed, and plant was fined $1 million, where as in 2006, only 80 fish died; 2007 another 5,304 were killed, and the plant was fined $67,859 and in 2008, 38 fish died in following a shutdown. These cooling towers should prevent these fish kil ls that is causing by higher temperature and somehow reduce the higher temperatures near the plants current discharge area back to normal. This plant has approximately 700 employees, which their payroll is around $53 million in 2003 and $63 million in 2009 also where the property tax for 2009 was $2.4 million. This plant has increased output associated with 1034 jobs in New Jersey and 915 jobs in Ocean County. This plant has sponsorship the united way of Ocean County by contributing more than $277,000 in 2009 and counted as largest employee run campaign in Ocean County. The plant intakes and discharges 1.4 billion gallons of the water on daily basis, and it taken in at a speed of 1-2,000 cubic feet per second, which is the force of medium sized river. The giant sucking action brings the assortment of the smaller aquatic life that flows through the grate and gets killed in the process of the cooling the reactor, which is called as entrainment. Where the larger aquatic life such as st riped bass, white perch and endangered sea turtles, gets pinned on the grate and often die, or seriously gets injured by the rush of oncoming water, which is impingement. This plant has developed a record of killing sea turtles in last ten years from 1992 to 2000, 17 sea turtles and 6 sea turtle mortalities. In September 2002, the plant has largest fish kill since 1985, they has over half a million fish dead, due to plant operators fault. They had failed to turn off the dilution pumps during emergency shut-downs and allowing millions of gallons of the hot water to enter the creek and bay. The modern pollution controls require them to install a closed cycle cooling system, which draws water into the plant for cooling, re-circulates and expels the heat through cooling towers. This system reduces the water intake and discharge by 95%, saving 13 million fish and shellfish and a loss of tens of millions additional larvae annually. It also eliminates the fish kills caused by thermal shock from the discharge, stop the dumping over 365 tons of toxic ware into the bay annually. The NJ DEPs current draft permit for oyster creek does not require the plant to install a closed cycle cooling system. But they have gotten 3500 acres of wetlands for restoration for fall back option as the alternative way. Figure : Salem Nuclear Power Plant. Figure : Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station. The other three nuclear power stations are located in Lower Alloways Creek Township, New Jersey in United States. Those all three plants owned by PSEG Nuclear LLC and Exelon Generation LLC. Two of the power stations are called Salem Nuclear Power Plants, which are pressurized water reactor nuclear power station and the other one is called a Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station, which is a thermal nuclear power plant. These three plants share an artificial island in the Delaware Bay. As of the 2004 record, the plants have paid $1.23 million in property taxed to Lower Alloways Creek, accounting for 55% of the townships $2.25 million property tax. The plants have expenditures in the four counties surrounding the plants totaled more than $170 million in 2004. The labor has represented $145.5 million, the goods and services represented as $24.7 million. These spending within region represents, around 27% of the plants total spending of $617 .8 million and 66% of the $256.3 million spent in New Jersey and Delaware (Nuclear Energy Institute September 2006). The Salem Nuclear Power Plant has two units, which were started in 1977 and 1981 and those two plants have a combined capacity of 2275 MWe. The unit 1 is licensed to operate until August, 2016 and unit 2 is licensed to operate until April, 2020. The PSEG have applied for a 20 year extension of license for both of these units. The technical problem made the Salem Reactors to shut down for two years in 1990s. They had found several difficulties, including leaky a generators, and unreliable controls on the reactor. In 2004, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission revised the oversight of this plant and ordered authorities to increase the monitoring overnight. Those plant uses more than 3 billion gallons of the Delaware Bays water every single day for cooling, replacing the closed cooling system. The Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station which is thermal nuclear power plant wa s established in 1986, and it has license to operate the plant until April, 2026. It also has applied for a 20 years extension for license renewal. This plant has producing capacity of 1059 MWe, and in 2007 it has produced 8104 GW-h, where it has average of 7528 GW-h in last 5 years of energy production. This is the plant has the cooling towers, which is designed to remove the heat by pumping water up into the tower and allowing it to fall down inside the tower. Soon as the heat passes the water, it exchanges the some of the heat and evaporates some of the water. The evaporated flows out the top of the tower and form of a fine cloud like mist, where the cooled water is collected at the bottom of the tower and pumped back into the plant for reuse. This kinds of cooling towers are used where the land and water is expensive and where the state of federal regulations make alternatives impractical. The New Jersey has been ranked 10th in nuclear capacity and 9th place in nuclear generatio n in 2008. Effects of the Nuclear Power Plants The discarded radioactive materials from nuclear submarines and military waste have been a major source of radioactivity in the oceans. Those discarding materials have caused fatal harm to marine life, and it has also entered the food chain as some organisms like shell fish concentrate radioactivity in their bodies which are later consumed by humans. The pesticides like DDT and PCBS can enter the oceans through city waste water and industrial discharges from farms and forests. The Thermal pollution is when high or low temperature water is discharged from an industrial source. The difference in temperatures can kill corals and other sensitive marine organisms that are not developed to handle the different temperatures. The Thermal discharges of unused heat from fossil fuel or from fission in the nuclear fuel constitute another kind of environmental impact. Thermal effects in biota include problems with reproduction, growth, survival of larval forms, juveniles and adults. Regulatory ag encies establish water temperature standards to govern heated discharges from the power plants to prevent catastrophic kills to occur, or thermally induced demise of aquatic populations. Fish, plankton and benthos are all affected at various degrees by thermal discharges from power plants. Other environmental impact common to all nuclear power plants are the highly visible transmission lines associated with the generation and distribution of electricity. Underground cables are not yet an economically feasible solution for most cases of transmission of electricity. Radioactive effluents released from nuclear power plants are, however, the main object of monitoring and control to minimize exposure of the public to ionizing radiation. Another effect of the nuclear power plant would be acid rain. The acid rain is the slightly acidic, with the pH of 5.6 of lower, which is due to small amount of carbon dioxide in water droplets to form mild carbonic acid. The other steps which lead to acid rain is the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere primarily by nuclear power plants and metal ore refineries. All these oxide gases then react with water vapor to produce sulfuric acid, nitric and nitrous acid, which dissolve in the water droplets, and then combine with normal droplets and form into raindrops, in this case count as acid raindrops. In the Northeastern United States, have very low buffering capacity, therefore if the rainfall is acidic the most rocks and soils have increased their acid levels by 5 to 10 fold in the past few decades. The acidic soil lover the pH of the streams those flow over them, and the Environmental Protection Agency has reported in 2000, that approximately 580 of the str eams in the Mid-Atlantic coastal plain were found to be acidic including 90% of the streams in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and that was highest percentage in the nation. This combined acidity has lowered the pH of some lakes around 5.0 and even Little Echo Pond in Franklin, New York got lowered until pH of 4.2 in the Northeastern United States. Effect on the Ocean mammals Figure : The Green Turtle.The Green sea turtle is the larger sea turtle with binomial name Chelonia mydas from Cheloniidae family with only species in the genus Chelonia. It is the endangered species listed by IUCN and CITES. It is with low, broadly oval carapace and small head with one pair of pre frontal scales that are unique to them. Their shell length ranges from 36-43 inches and weights average between 200-300 pounds. They evolved more than 150 million years ago, and they spend entire lives in the sea, even more then come to the surface to breathe, and remain underwater for several hours for resting. They inhabit warm, tropical and subtropical waters, they migrate northward as temperature increase in the late spring, and stays there until late fall. Their nesting occurs in warm temperate and subtropical regions on open sandy beaches above high tide mark in front of well developed sand dunes. As of the Harold Haines and William Kleese, the scientist from the Miami, Florida, prov ed that the role of water temperature in the induction and maintenance of a dermal herpes virus infection (gray-patch disease) of young, green sea turtles, which influence of other recognized stress factors were negligible. In their research the animals that were subjected to a gradual increase in water temperature from 25 to 30C and a subsequent decrease to 25C, where they were maintained, had a period before onset of clinical signs and severity closer to that of control animals. In their findings they indicated that both the induction of clinical gray-patch disease and the severity of the lesions are affected by water temperature and suggest that one possible means of control of this herpes virus infection under intensive aquaculture conditions might be water temperature manipulation. The endangered Kemps Ridley, Atlantic Green and Loggerhead turtles are killed each year as they are attracted to the warm water and then sucked toward death on the fooling system intake. The manatees, the large, fully aquatics, and mostly herbivorous marine mammals, which sometimes known as sea cows. They eat over 60 different plant species such as mangrove leaves, turtle grass, and types of algae, using their divided upper lip. The adult manatee eats around 10% of their body weight per day and especially small amounts of fish from nets. They have very few natural predators, like sharks, crocodiles and alligators over time to time. The main causes of their death for sea cows are human related issues, human objects, habitat destruction and natural causes such as disease and temperatures. Another main natural event and unpreventable cause for the manatees death would be red tide which is proliferation of tiny marine organisms knows as dinoflagellates. Figure : phytoplankton.The phytoplankton is the autotrophic component of the plankton community. They are too small to see it with naked eye, but if they are in higher numbers, than it can appear as green discoloration of the water due to presence of chlorophyll in their cells. The Phytoplankton obtains energy from the process of photosynthesis, also it accounts for half of all photosynthetic activity on Earth. The effects of the elevated water temperatures and residual chlorine at a coastal nuclear power plant on the biomass and productivity or periphyton and phytoplankton, but not productivity was significantly lower in the outlet region than in the intake region. The phytoplankton is the key food item in both aquaculture and mariculture, where both utilize phytoplankton for the feeding of the animals being farmed. In mariculture, the phytoplankton is naturally occurring and is introduced into enclosures with the normal circulation of seawater, where in aquaculture; the phytoplankt on must be obtained and introduced directly. The phytoplankton is used as a food stock for the production for rotifers, which are in turn used to feed other organisms, and also used to feed aquaculture molluscs. The species made of only one or few cells, the phytoplankton is the responsible for 50% of the primary productivity on the earth. Waste Product of the Nuclear Power Plant Figure : Decay in radioactivity of HLW.The waste product of the nuclear power plant is the radioactive waste. The radioactive wastes are very small relative to the waste produced by the fossil fuels and other sources. This waste product is containing radioactive material, which is the product of the nuclear fission, which comes from not directly connected to the nuclear power industry. The waste that has been produce diminishes over time, so in principle to that that material needs to be isolated for long time to no longer pose a hazard. The waste can be generally classified either low level or high level. The low level radioactive waste considers as highly radioactive part of nuclear reactors and waste from medical procedures, which comparatively easy to dispose and relatively small half life. The high level radioactive waste is material from the core of the nuclear reactor or from nuclear weapon. Most of the high level waste emit large amounts of radiation and have really long half lives. The radiation coming of the radioactive waste exposes the human and that can cause about 1% of all cancers, which increase cancer risk by 0.002% of reducing the life expectancy. Each year the nuclear power plants produces the 200,000 m3 of low level waste and about 10,000 m3 of the high level waste products including fuel as waste. 1000 MWe of the light water reactor generates about 200-350 m3 low level waste per year, it also discharges about 20 m3 of used fuel, which corresponds to 75 m3 disposal volume. Where the used fuel is reprocessed only 3 m3 of glass is produced, which is similar to 28 m3 of disposal canister. All this compares with an average of 400,000 tons of ash produced from coal, plant and other power sources of the same power capacity.
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