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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Reconstruction Era During The Civil War - 1370 Words
The Reconstruction Era beginning in 1865 marked the period where white men and recently freed African Americans quarreled over the concept of equality on the basis of race as well as where freedom extended to. After the Civil War, there was a power struggle between the Republican and Democratic parties as they had extremely distinct ideas on whether African Americans should be free and hold citizen rights. African Americans were able to achieve citizenship as well as have equality through the 14th amendment, however the struggle did not finish here, tensions between races remained throughout the decades and the actual use of the amendment was not widespread. During this time, two influential men were able to experience each side of this political spectrum. Robert Smalls was a former slave who was able to gain positions in congress and advocated for political equality throughout the southern states. Wade Hampton, was a highly educated southern planter, war leader and senator who never accepted racial equality, always seeking to end all attempts of reform alongside the Democratic Party. The Reconstruction proposed by congress was meant to abolish slavery and enforce fair labor laws. As this sounds ideal, both Smalls and Hampton were bitterly disappointed with it and would agree that Reconstruction was a failure despite their contrasting political views. In a speech in 1876 Robert Smalls advocates against the removal of federal troops located in the South to enforce the newShow MoreRelatedThe Reconstruction Era During The Civil War910 Words  | 4 Pagessports, and many other things. The Reconstruction Era took place after the end of the Civil War. It lasted from 1965 to 1977. It was the North’s way of making peace with not only former slaves, but the South as well. The Reconstruction Era attempted to better the lives of African Americans by making advancements in education and religion. The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote. 105 African American colleges were created after the Civil War. While life was progressively gettingRead MoreThe Era Of Reconstruction During The Civil War1630 Words  | 7 Pageswhich was imposed by the white people. This contradiction is emblematic of the African-American experience. The era of reconstruction was a short-term success, a medium-term failure, and a foundation for the long-term successes of the civil rights movement in terms of black freedom. The era of reconstruction exposed the radical limits of freedom for natural born citizens in the post-civil war United States. The idea of freedom changed in a tremendous way for the blacks. I would like to begin byRead MoreCivil War During The Reconstruction Era906 Words  | 4 Pages During the Reconstruction Era, Congress passed many laws to provide equal rights to people of color. But at the local level, specifically in the South, many Democrats took the law into their own hands. They supported the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) hoping to restore the pre-Civil War social hierarchy. The texts in Going to the Source illustrates two groups of individuals who opposed the KKK. In testimonies given by white witnesses, Republicans from the North felt the KKK posed a political and social dangerRead MoreThe Era Of Reconstruction During The Civil War1275 Words  | 6 PagesThe Era of Reconstruction started in 1855. After the Civil war ended the South was left in shambles. Southern states were left in economic and politic distress and faced renewed social issues. The objective of Reconstruction in the South was to restore the South economically, award freed African Americans the righ ts to be equal citizens in the eyes of the law, and repair the breakage in the Union. Though the people worked to restore the South they were unable to get over the differences and realitiesRead MoreBenefits Of Reconstruction Era During The Civil War Essay2309 Words  | 10 Pagesthe start of the reconstruction era. African American had also gained a voice in government for the first time in American history. These were just some of the many benefits of reconstruction era. The reconstruction era is a period after the civil war had ended which is the new and improved United States. The civil war was a conflict between the North and the South because of economic differences, social and political, but most importantly Slavery was the main cause of this war. Slavery is aRead MoreCongressional Era Of Reconstruction During Post Civil War Reconstruction2634 Words  | 11 Pagesâ€Å"Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.†â€â€Henry Ford. This was the Southern optimist’s view of what the results of post Civil War Reconstruction could be. Unfortunately, once the Congressional era of Reconstruction began, this view was squandered under federal punishment of the South. This policy led to strained relations between Congress and the ex-Confederate states. The difference of opinion was over how harshly the South should be punished for leaving theRead MoreThe Civil War Was A Grave Cause Of Many Events. Many People1663 Words  | 7 PagesThe civil war was a grave cause of many events. Many people may see the results of the war as a chain reaction to many following eras. One of the most prominent eras that emerged from the civil war was the reconstruction era. The reconstruction era emerged around 1865 and continued until 1877. This time period generally refers to the time in United States history in which the federal government set the conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern states ba ck into the Union. The States wereRead MoreHow Did The Radical Republican s Rise For The Failure Of The Post Civil War Reconstruction?1619 Words  | 7 Pagesfailure of the post-civil war reconstruction? The time between 1863, when Lincoln passed the ten percent act, until the year 1877, when reconstruction was officially ended, will be evaluated with information provided by the sources. The investigation will specifically look to how the Lincoln assassination allowed for the rise in the Radical Republican Party from 1866 to 1868 and the party’s effect on reconstruction acts leading to the failure of the post-civil war reconstruction era. Eric Foner’s novelRead MoreThe End Of The Reconstruction1318 Words  | 6 Pages1860’s there was an Era that started called the reconstruction. The main purpose for the reconstruction was to give African-American people full political and civil equality. However, it was very tough to do this, especially since most white in the south didn’t want the African-Americans to have the same rights as themselves. During this Era there were multiple good things that happened, yet, there were also many bad things that happened. For instance, during the reconstruction the 14th amendmentRead MoreThe Reconstruction Era And The Jim Crow Era1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe Reconstruction Era and The Jim Crow Era were both times of Rapid growth in the United States that were characterized by changes not only on the intrapersonal level, but also on the cultural and legislative level. The Reconstruction Era occurred directly after the civil war and spanned twelve years from 1865 t o 1877 , while the Jim Crow Era occurred from 1877 to 1954. Some of the common themes of these eras were race relations and tension between northern states and southern states. The first
Monday, December 16, 2019
Preventing the Huge Problem of Obesity - 1208 Words
Do you know anyone that is obese? The main point on this paper is going to focusing on obesity and how can we prevent obesity becoming a huge problem. This research paper will cover how to prevent obesity from happening. The main things I want to cover is how can healthy eating habits, exercising daily help, and how can getting a good rest will help. `Obesity has become a huge problem among teens and adults in our society. The percentage of children and teens that are overweight is quickly growing. â€Å"Overweight†is defined as stored body fat that is over 20 percent heavier than that person’s ideal body weight. This paper will discuss how Obesity is a common eating disorder among teens with its definition. It will define obesity and discuss issues associated with obesity to include health risks, weight problems and preventions. Obesity is a common disease among children and teens in our society today with growing numbers. Statistics rates high as obesity has doubled and even tripled in our country and is of great concern. More healthcare professionals are seeing earlier onset of children and teens experiencing at risk health problems due to obesity than ever. Studies have shown that the longer a person is obese, the more significant diseases and related conditions with obesity may occur. Obesity means having a large number of body fat. Obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the body burns up. Based on research, 63.1 percent of adults in the United StatesShow MoreRelatedThe Short and Long Term Effects of Obesity on the Body Essay530 Words  | 3 PagesObesity is a huge issue, not only in america but worldwide. Many methods of preventing obesity exist, and there are many ways to reverse bad choices leading to obesity. There are also many causes and effects of obesity, some are more common t han the other. Not to mention when being obese you put yourself at risk for type two diabetes. You can prevent obesity and type two diabetes easily, if you know how to and have the will power. There are many causes and effects of obesity, also there are waysRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity1637 Words  | 7 Pagescan effects of obesity be. First of all what is an obesity? Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual s ideal body weight. It is a very serious problem and is becoming very dangerous in today’s world. Obesity is now considered to be the second most preventable death in America, with tobacco being the first. As use of tobacco rates continues to decline, the obesity rates continue to rise. With that being said, death numbers of obesity are going to riseRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Growing Problem1177 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom Richard Carmona says, â€Å"If the childhood obesity epidemic remains unchecked, i t will condemn many of our kids to shorter lives, as well as the emotional and financial burdens of poor health†(â€Å"Richard†). Carmona is right in many ways. More than ever, childhood obesity is a huge problem in America today. This disease is causes health problems, emotional problems, weakness, and fatigue. Childhood obesity in America has become a widespread problem and will continue to worsen unless we enforceRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Huge Problem1064 Words  | 5 PagesChildhood obesity is a huge problem not in just America, but all over the world. The risk factors come from all different environments such as demographic, socio-structural, and environmental. What you eat and lack of exercise performed daily are the most familiar causes of obesity but other factors play a very big role in the cause of this disease. Education plays a huge role in preventing this disease and there are many settings that you can be educated in such as the school system, hospitals orRead MoreObesity : A Cultural And Behavioral Change Among Americans930 Words  | 4 Pagesindividuals are unaware that 35.7 percent of adults are considered obese in America. Obesity is an important topic in my family because my great grandmother died from type 2 diabetes caused by her obesity. Many Americans today are unaware of their addiction to fast food and the health risks connected to obesity. Unless there is a cultural and behavioral change among Americans, obesity will continue to spread, and health problems will keep skyrocketing. The food accepted in the American culture is anotherRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity892 Words  | 4 Pagesadults are considered obese in America. In recent years obesity is the health topic of choice these days because obesity in America is a growing epidemic. One out of twenty people in America have extreme obesity. According to a 2009-2010 survey conducted by the National Health and Nutrition examination this data states that about one third of children and adolescents ages six to nine are considered to be overweight or obese. Adolescent obesity has more than tripled in young adults and doubled in childrenRead MoreObesity : A Cultural And Behavioral Change Among Americans966 Words  | 4 PagesObesity can be defined as someone who has excess body weight than what is considered healthy. Many individuals are unaware that more than third or 35.7 percent of adults are considered obese in America. Obesity is an important topic to my family because my great grandmother died from type 2 diabetes caused by her obesity. Many Americans today are unaware to their addiction to fast food and the health risks connected to obesity. Unless there is a cultural and behavioral change among Americans, obesityRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity Essay1671 Words  | 7 PagesFight to End Obesity Childhood obesity has increased drastically over the past years and has become a health risk to children. In fact, childhood obesity has doubled in numbers in the past thirty years (Childhood Obesity Facts). Obesity occurs when an individual becomes overweight and can be diagnosed by using the body mass index or BMI scale. Obesity causes many diseases in children which cannot be cured without a doctor, in result, childhood obesity drives high health care costs. The existenceRead MoreChildhood Obesity Essay examples1472 Words  | 6 Pageschildhood obesity was rarely a topic of conversation. A survey done in the early 1970s showed that 6.1% of children between the ages 12 and 19 were overweight. Eight years later the same survey was done and 17.4% were considered overweight (Iannelli). â€Å"Childhood obesity epidemic in America is now a confirmed fact since the number of overweight or obese children has more than tripled during the last 30 years†(Childhood Obesity Epidemi c). â€Å"Over the last 20 years, the prevalence of obesity in childrenRead MoreObesity as a Social and Medical Problem Essay1316 Words  | 6 Pages Obesity has become an epidemic in our over indulgent North American society. In addition to body image issues, obesity causes significant health issues. Society often views obesity to be a disease when it is actually a sign of a disorder, genetic or environmental. The percentage of our population that is growing overweight is increasing every year, and can become a very serious issue if it is not dealt with urgently. Problems relating to self-confidence, self-consciousness, and isolation can
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Women in the 1900 Compaerd to Now free essay sample
Which Is clearly what I have done in my poster. -with the text that is in the centre of the page, I have used red because it contrasts very well with the dullness of the black and white. The colour images are in colour because it shows the more recent lives of women. Gaze- most of the images in the main image on the right have gazes of demand. I have chosen these because they are confronting. Whereas two of the images on the left side have a gaze of â€Å"offer†. A gaze offer is much less confronting. The gaze of offer in these images shows less power and submission. Where as in the other complexion of images many of the gaze show power and freedom. The gaze of the image in the centre is also demand. She is looking directly at the audience. Camera Angles- there are many different camera angles in this image. We will write a custom essay sample on Women in the 1900 Compaerd to Now or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the left side most of the angles are higher than level. This gives the subject; being the working women a level of submission and minority. The images on the right have different camera angles. Many of them are from a low or a middle angle. The low and give the subject power and show that they have gained power.The middle views are very confronting. Such as (point). The image in the centre is the most confronting image on the page. This is because it is slightly lower than middle shot. this gives her a lot of power. Clothing- in the image on the left all women are wearing almost the same clother whereas in the right image the women are wearing a range of clothing depending on their occupation. Body language- there is a lot of body language in my poster. On the left side all the women have the saem sort of body language.This is tired and worked out. Escpeccially the woman in the bottom left image. To show this was part of daily life she is smiling. On the left image there is a large range of body language some show authority such as (pont) others showing busy working such as (point). The strongest body language in my poster is shown by the woman in the centre of the page. Hey body language is very strong and affirmative. Hey body language says â€Å"we don’t care what you think, we can do what we like†I will speak aboiut the meaning of the image laater.Juxtaposition- In my poster the main technique ive used is juxtaposition. I have juxtaposed the past work options for women with jobs options for women now. Them main juxtaposition is the black and white. Sybolism- American women have long been riveted by Geraldine Doyle, yet few of us even knew her name. Doyle, who died last week, was thought to be the model for Rosie the Riveter – the iconic image of a bandanna-clad woman bearing a bicep that came to represent female strength and feminism in the United States.Big icon is â€Å"rosie the riveter†Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States, representing the American women who worked in factories during World War II, many of whom worked in the manufacturing plants that produced munitions and war supplies. These women sometimes took entirely new jobs replacing the male workers who were in the military. Rosie the Riveter is commonly used as symbol of feminism and womens economic power
Sunday, December 1, 2019
William Jefferson Clinton Essays (2324 words) - Rodham Family
William Jefferson Clinton William Jefferson Clinton: Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946 in a town called Hope, with the birth name William Jefferson Blythe. His birth father died in a car accident just three months before his birth. When he was born his mother sent him to live with his grandparents, due to the fact that because of the current economy she couldn't possibly support a child by herself. He lived with his grandparents for two years while his mother was away at nursing school in New Orleans trying to advance her career. His grandparents tried to instill in him strong southern Baptist principles and a desire to get a good education. When Bill was four his mother returned to Hope where she met and married Roger Clinton Sr.. A few years later Bill and his family moved to Hot Springs, where despite his Baptist upbringing Bill attended a catholic school. When he was nine years old he changed schools and went to Ramble Elementary. When Bill was ten Roger Clinton Jr. was born, and at age fifteen Bill took his step fathers las t name in hopes of helping his mothers troubled relationship. While Bill was growing up in Hot Springs, the town was plagued by illegal gambling, but Bill had little contact with this part of society despite his parents frequent participation in these illegal practices. As time went by his mothers relationship became more and more unstable with the alcoholic Roger Clinton Sr.. The relationship turned abusive and his parents often separated. In high school Bill was a member of the band, student government, honor society and numerous other organizations. One summer at a political summer camp called Boys State, Bill ran for delegate to Boys Nation. He won this election and was on his way to Washington to meet John F. Kennedy and Senator William Fulbright. Bill said of his victory as delegate to Boys Nation, I didn't know if I could win a race like that, because when I was a student politician, I was about as controversial as I have been in my later life (Allen pg.10). After meeting JFK and Senator Fulbright face to face, Bill became determined to enter politics. After high school Bill went to the University of Georgetown where he concentrated on international studies, in order to prepare himself for the world of politics. While enrolled at Georgetown, he had to get job to help pay the tuition cost. He took advantage of the meeting he had with Senator Fulbright to get a job as Fulbright's assistant. While at school Clinton was awarded a Rhodes scholarship and went to Oxford to study for two years. After traveling through Europe and graduating form Oxford, he then went on to study law at Yale in 1971. At this time in his life, Bill did something that would come back to haunt him in his political career many years down the road. During the Vietnam war Clinton tried to receive a draft deferment for his education. Also, despite his hatred for the war enrolled in ROTC. He failed to fulfill his enrollment in the program when he realized that if he got a lottery number for the draft, his chances of being called were slim to none. While attending Yale, he met Hillary Rodham and the two started a friendship that turned into a relationship. After graduation from Yale Clinton planned on returning to Hot Springs to set up a small law practice, but on before he left Yale one of his professors suggested that he seek a position as a professor of law at the University of Arkansas. Bill thought about this on the way b ack to Arkansas and when he arrived there he called up the University and requested an interview. After a few tries, he successfully landed a job on the faculty and began to teach law at age twenty-eight. In 1974 he decided to run for congress in his district and was narrowly defeated by his elder opponent John Paul Hammerschmidt. After this narrow defeat, he received a lot of attention as an up and coming politician. In 1975 Bill and Hillary got married at a house that Bill had
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Human Resources Practice Essay Essay Example
Human Resources Practice Essay Essay Example Human Resources Practice Essay Essay Human Resources Practice Essay Essay The Human Resources Profession Map was developed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development ( CIPD ) to help the HR industry and its professionals to accommodate to the turning and future demands. puting out the foundation for planetary criterions of competence for the HR profession. It recognises that people could come in the HR profession from a diverse scope of backgrounds. Talking at the 2009 CIPD Conference Chief Executive Jackie Orme added: â€Å"The map will let us to keep cogency while bettering flexibleness: the flexibleness to run into the demands of Renaissance mans and specializers and to back up professionals at all degrees. and the cogency to guarantee HR professionals and employees likewise can be confident that a CIPD making delivers non merely the capablenesss needed for today. but the capacity to accommodate to the turning demands that will be placed on the profession in the hereafter. †The map is an online. synergistic tool located on the CIPD web site for all HR and L A ; D professionals to utilize. It explains the specializer maps. behavioral accomplishments and cognition required in order for HR forces to present effectual support to any administration. The profession map is linked to the ‘My HR Map’ . which is a self appraisal tool supplying targeted recommendations to better accomplishments and maximize calling potency. The map comprises of 10 professional countries at four different sets and eight key behaviors HR professionals need to execute their function and are considered benchmark within the industry. There are four sets of professional competency listed below which highlight the hierarchy of the profession and run along with the behaviors and professional countries. Band One – Administrator / Support Level – Generally client focussed persons. who support co-workers with disposal maps Band Two – Advisor Level – Responsible for presenting HR policies to employees. pull offing the HR related issues amongst squads Band Three – Management Level – Responsible for implementing scheme. alteration and HR policies Band Four – Director Level – Leads and manages an administration or professional country. developing scheme There are eight cardinal behaviors listed below which describe the cognition and skills a HR professional should embrace and how they should transport out their activities. A description of each of the eight key behaviors listed below and how they relate to the HR professional can be seen in Appendix 1. CuriousDecisive mindSkilled influencerPersonally believableCollaborativeDriven to presentCourage to disputeRole theoretical account There are 10 professional countries. including two nucleus countries viz. ‘Insights. scheme and solutions’ and ‘Leading HR’ . Both countries are cardinal to all HR professionals. regardless of their function. degree or specialism. The staying eight countries listed below show the cognition and see a HR professional should be competent within. A description of each of the 10 professional countries listed below and how they relate to the HR professional can besides be seen in Appendix 1. Service bringing and informationAdministration designAdministration developmentResourcing and endowment planningLearning and endowment developmentPerformance and wagesEmployee battleEmployee dealingss Although I do non work in HR. from reexamining the HR Profession Map I can see that I relate to Band 1 ‘Service bringing and information’ . 10. 1. 1 – It is really of import within my function as a Customer Contact Team Manager to set up client demands rapidly and inquiry everything. My squad seek information from me on a day-to-day footing and I must be prepared to supply them with an reply. nevertheless this can merely be done if I have understood the state of affairs and fortunes environing the question. When covering with client service questions we aim to happen a resoluteness which is suited for both the client and the company. this is no different within a HR function. 10. 7. 1 – We have service flat understandings environing the function and must follow with legislative demands such as the Data Protection Act. when covering with clients information. and the Consumer Credit Act. when covering with clients fiscal information and processing payments. As we are employed by an outsourcing company ttl Automotive and onsite with the client Porsche Cars Great Britain. we besides have organizational processs and policies which must be adhered to for both companies. We must be aware that we are stand foring both companies at all times. onsite we represent ttl Automotive. nevertheless when covering with clients we represent the Porsche trade name. 10. 9. 1 – My twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours function involves many HR elements. I have listed below some of the countries I am responsible for: – Managing public presentation– Pull offing absence degrees– Recruitment and choice of new staff– Training and development of new and existing staff– Working within service degree understandings in alliance with company policy and marks – Guaranting conformity with statute law and company policy I am cognizant of what I am accountable for and have authorization to action within the kingdom of my function. for illustration I can turn over out information to the squad. process staff petitions and keep this information on a database. I can bring forth absence studies for the direction squad. complete return to work interviews and organise occupational wellness visits. I am responsible for the enlisting procedure and interview of new staff. and set monthly/quarterly and one-year aims for the squad based on information received from my line director and the HR squad. However. when there is an issue which falls outside of my cognition and experience I seek advice and counsel from the HR squad who guide me through the procedure. For illustration. in a old function a member of staff came into work intoxicated. it unluckily was late at dark as I worked for a 24 hr call Centre therefore a co-worker and I had to cover with this incident. It was a really hard state of affairs to cover with at the clip and when the HR squad were informed the following twenty-four hours they aided me in finishing all the necessary paperwork as this was deemed as gross misconduct. 10. 13. 1 – In 2012 Porsche took the determination to alter outsourcing companies. this was an unsure clip for the squad and I as we were diffident if we would be made redundant in the procedure. Fortunately it was a instance of the squad traveling across to the new outsourcing company. which involved the TUPE procedure. During the passage clip. it was really of import for the squad and I to keep the degree of service we had ever provided and to stay every bit flexible as possible throughout the alteration. During the procedure our new outsourcing company. ttl Automotive. had their ain ways of working so many meetings were held in order to guarantee they complied with how Porsche wished for the contract to be managed. This resulted in really small impact on the squad and the passage period went really swimmingly. 10. 14. 1 A ; 10. 16. 1 – There were advantages to altering companies. for illustration as we were a new squad ttl Automotive requested we pilot the alteration from paper payslips to e-mail payslips. We were besides involved in the testing phase of on-line vacation signifiers and were requested to supply our user experience via a feedback portal called Survey Monkey. I truly embraced this as I felt the company were frontward believing and advanced. I myself am acute to happen better. smarter. more efficient ways of working and late implemented an on-line payment system. which once more the squad were required to prove prior to launch. Change is ever an interesting clip and at that place will ever be hurdlings. nevertheless if finally it is good for the company and more significantly the user so it is for the greater good. Within my function I deal with a assortment of clients. for illustration there are internal clients such as members of the senior direction squad. line directors and employees. I besides have external clients. for illustration enlisting bureaus and providers who we have service contracts with. Activity 2 The three chief clients I deal with regularly are senior directors. line directors and employees. It is of import for me to set up and understand each clients need rapidly and the timeframe they require it be to sue within. I must so reexamine each petition and prioritise based on degree of importance. I am frequently managing a figure of client petitions at any one clip. which can do struggle. nevertheless I guarantee I prioritise on the footing of what is deemed to be a concern critical issue and these are dealt with as a affair of urgency. With this in head it is besides of import to put the outlooks of each client so they are cognizant when their petition will be actioned. this can frequently relieve any struggle. I have late had the undermentioned petitions from internal clients. which I have placed in the order of precedence. CustomerCustomer demandPriority LevelSenior ManagerEventuality Planing1stLine ManagerRecruitment2ndEmployeeFlexible working3rd In the procedure of reexamining the company’s overall strategic program. senior directors were requested to develop alternate schemes as a agency to suit unexpected conditions or events. such as economic recessions or ruinous events. I had besides been asked to finish this for my ain squad and deemed this as a concern critical petition. hence set about guaranting it was completed as a precedence within the timeframe set. Second a line director required aid with the enlisting procedure. following a member of his squad being promoted. As it had been agreed that the member of staff would go on in the function until a replacement was found. this was non deemed every bit critical as the eventuality planning nevertheless could be actioned in the background. For illustration. interceding with caput office and subjecting the sanctioned occupation description onto on-line occupation boards and the company web site. Whilst we were concentrating on organizing the eventuality planning. the enlisting programme could run in the background leting us to obtain a figure of CV’s for when we were ready to get down with reappraisal and choice for interview. Finally an employee whilst on pregnancy leave contacted the section wishing to derive farther information on flexible working. Whilst this is really of import and finally could hold an consequence on the concern. the employee had a figure of months before she was due to return hence I made the determination that I could action this petition within the HR team’s service degree understanding of 48 hours when reacting to petitions. Within my function there are many signifiers of communicating used. for illustration: verbal. written signifier and practical/presentation. The type of communicating used is dependent on the nature of the petition or state of affairs. I have associated at Appendix 2. where I have detailed the advantages and disadvantages of the three chief methods of communicating I use in my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours function. When sing the above internal client petitions several communicating methods were used. for illustration the eventuality be aftering coordination was completed with a mixture of verbal and written. and eventually practical when showing the findings. I. alongside my co-workers. were present in group brainstorming Sessionss where ‘if. buts and maybes’ were exhaustively discussed and explored. our attending allowed us to supply support and counsel as and when required. Written counsel notes had besides been prepared by the Senior Manager and stated the demands of the program and how she wished for the squads to bring forth their findings. The advantages of utilizing a assortment of communicating methods for this peculiar petition catered for all mode of different acquisition manners enabling all participants to understand the brief and hence contribute consequently. However. it is non ever necessary or appropriate for all communicating methods to be used. When sing the 3rd petition above. it would be important for any information provided for the employee sing flexible working to be communicated in written signifier. as verbally can easy be misunderstood and e-mail excessively informal. I ever follow up any telephone or face to confront conversations such as this with a missive and mention the employee to the staff enchiridion for concluding verification. I believe it is my duty to guarantee the information provided is accurate. relevant and delivered in a timely mode. and hence should be followed up in composing to avoid any future issues. In my function as Customer Contact Team Manager I am responsible for the Service Level Agreements ( SLA’s ) with Porsche Cars Great Britain and ttl Automotive. The SLA’s are reviewed yearly and are a cardinal measuring index in showing effectual service bringing. bring forthing service on clip and within the in agreement budget. I meet with both companies on a quarterly footing to guarantee we are following with the agreed footings and to foreground any concerns. The ailments process underpins the procedure for the administration. which is followed consequently. Recently a client made a ailment to Porsche Head Office as they had non received their invitation to the driving experience Centre following the purchase of a new Porsche. I established really rapidly that the invitation had non yet been sent due to the franchise falsely puting the vehicle order. which resulted in the invitation non being generated. I dealt with the client personally and intelligibly he was really defeated to hold non received the degree of service he had come to anticipate of the trade name. I followed the administrations processs for covering with client ailments. and am pleased I was able to decide his question by working within the guidelines set and offering suited compensation for the incommodiousness he had experienced. he has since remained an advocator of the Porsche trade name.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Biography of Galileo Galilei, Renaissance Philosopher
Biography of Galileo Galilei, Renaissance Philosopher Galileo Galilei (February 15, 1564–January 8, 1642) was a famous inventor, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher, whose inventive mind and stubborn nature ran him into trouble with the Inquisition. Fast Facts: Galileo Galilei Known For: Italian Renaissance philosopher, inventor, and polymath who faced the wrath of the Inquisition for his astronomical studies. Born: February 15, 1564, Pisa, Italy.Parents: Vincenzo and Giulia Ammannati Galilei (m. July 5, 1562)Died: January 8, 1642, Arcetri, Italy.Education: Privately tutored; Jesuit monastery, University of Pisa.Published Works: The Starry Messenger. Spouse: Marina Gamba (mistress 1600-1610).Children: by Marina: Virginia (1600), Livia Antonia (1601), Vincenzo (1606). Early Life Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564, the oldest of seven children of Giulia Ammannati and Vincenzo Galilei. His father (c. 1525–1591) was a gifted lute musician and wool trader, who wanted his son to study medicine as there was more money in medicine. Vincenzo was attached to the court, and was often traveling. The family was originally named Bonaiuti, but they had an illustrious ancestor named Galileo Bonaiuti (1370–1450) who was a physician and public officer in Pisa. One branch of the family broke off and began calling itself Galilei (of Galileo), and so Galileo Galilei was doubly named after him. As a child, Galileo made mechanical models of ships and watermills, learned to play the lute to a professional standard, and showed an aptitude for painting and drawing. Originally tutored by a man named Jacopo Borghini, Galileo was sent to the Camaldlese monastery at Vallambroso to study grammar, logic, and rhetoric. He found the contemplative life to his liking and after four years joined the community as a novice. This was not exactly what father had in mind, so Galileo was hastily withdrawn from the monastery. In 1581, at the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, as his father wished. The University of Pisa At age twenty, Galileo noticed a lamp swinging overhead while he was in a cathedral. Curious to find out how long it took the lamp to swing back and forth, he used his pulse to time large and small swings. Galileo discovered something that no one else had ever realized: the period of each swing was exactly the same. The law of the pendulum, which would eventually be used to regulate clocks, made Galileo Galilei instantly famous. Except for mathematics, Galileo was soon bored with the university and the study of medicine. Uninvited, he attended the lecture of court mathematician Ostilio Ricci- Ricci had been assigned by the Duke of Tuscany to teach the court attendants in math, and Galileo was not one of those. Galileo followed up the lecture by reading Euclid on his own; he sent a set of questions to Ricci, the content of which impressed the scholar greatly. Galileos family considered his mathematical studies subsidiary to medicine, but when Vincenzo was informed that their son was in danger of flunking out, he worked out a compromise so that Galileo could be tutoredin mathematics by Ricci full-time Galileos father was hardly overjoyed about this turn of events, since a mathematicians earning power was roughly around that of a musician, but it seemed that this might yet allow Galileo to successfully complete his college education. The compromise didnt work out, for Galileo soon left the University of Pisa without a degree. Becoming a Mathematician After he flunked out, to earn a living, Galileo started tutoring students in mathematics. He did some experimenting with floating objects, developing a balance that could tell him that a piece of, say, gold was 19.3 times heavier than the same volume of water. He also started campaigning for his lifes ambition: a position on the mathematics faculty at a major university. Although Galileo was clearly brilliant, he had offended many people in the field, who would choose other candidates for vacancies. Ironically, it was a lecture on literature that would turn Galileos fortunes. The Academy of Florence had been arguing over a 100-year-old controversy: What were the location, shape, and dimensions of Dantes Inferno? Galileo wanted to seriously answer the question from the point of view of a scientist. Extrapolating from Dantes line that [the giant Nimrods] face was about as long/And just as wide as St. Peters cone in Rome, Galileo deduced that Lucifer himself was 2,000 arm-lengths long. The audience was impressed, and within the year, Galileo had received a three-year appointment to the University of Pisa, the same university that never granted him a degree. The Leaning Tower of Pisa At the time that Galileo arrived at the University, some debate had started up on one of Aristotles laws of nature, that heavier objects fell faster than lighter objects. Aristotles word had been accepted as gospel truth, and there had been few attempts to actually test Aristotles conclusions by actually conducting an experiment. According to legend, Galileo decided to try. He needed to be able to drop the objects from a great height. The perfect building was right at hand - the Tower of Pisa, 54 meters (177 feet) tall. Galileo climbed up to the top of the building carrying a variety of balls of varying size and weight and dumped them off of the top. They all landed at the base of the building at the same time (legend says that the demonstration was witnessed by a huge crowd of students and professors). Aristotle was wrong. It might have helped the junior member of the faculty if Galileo had not continued to behave rudely to his colleagues. Men are like wine flasks, he once said to a group of students, †¦look at†¦bottles with the handsome labels. When you taste them, they are full of air or perfume or rouge. These are bottles fit only to pee into! Perhaps not surprisingly, the University of Pisa chose not to renew Galileos contract. The University of Padua Galileo Galilei moved on to the University of Padua. By 1593, he was desperate in need of additional cash. His father had died, so Galileo was now head of his family, and personally responsible for his family. Debts were pressing down on him, most notably, the dowry for one of his sisters, which was to be paid in installments over decades- a dowry could be thousands of crowns, and Galileos annual salary was 180 crowns). Debtors prison was a real threat if Galileo returned to Florence. What Galileo needed was to come up with some sort of device that could make him a tidy profit. A rudimentary thermometer (which, for the first time, allowed temperature variations to be measured) and an ingenious device to raise water from aquifers found no market. He found greater success in 1596 with a military compass that could be used to accurately aim cannonballs. A modified civilian version that could be used for land surveying came out in 1597 and ended up earning a fair amount of money for Galileo. It helped his profit margin that 1) the instruments were sold for three times the cost of manufacture, 2) he also offered classes on how to use the instrument, and 3) the actual toolmaker was paid dirt-poor wages. A good thing. Galileo needed the money to support his siblings, his mistress (a 21-year-old Marina Gamba who had a reputation as a woman of easy habits), and his three children (two daughters and a boy). By 1602, Galileos name was famous enough to help bring in students to the University, where Galileo was busily experimenting with magnets. Building a Spyglass (Telescope) In Venice on a holiday in 1609, Galileo Galilei heard rumors that a Dutch spectacle-maker had invented a device that made distant objects seem near at hand (at first called the spyglass and later renamed the telescope). A patent had been requested, but not yet granted, and the methods were being kept secret, since it was obviously of tremendous military value for Holland. Galileo Galilei was determined to attempt to construct his own spyglass. After a frantic 24 hours of experimentation, working only on instinct and bits of rumors, never having actually *seen* the Dutch spyglass, he built a 3-power telescope. After some refinement, he brought a 10-power telescope to Venice and demonstrated it to a highly impressed Senate. His salary was promptly raised, and he was honored with proclamations. Galileos Observations of the Moon If he had stopped here, and become a man of wealth and leisure, Galileo Galilei might be a mere footnote in history. Instead, a revolution started when, one fall evening, the scientist trained his telescope on an object in the sky that all people at that time believed must be a perfect, smooth, polished heavenly body- the Moon. To his astonishment, Galileo Galilei viewed a surface that was uneven, rough, and full of cavities and prominences. Many people insisted that Galileo Galilei was wrong, including a mathematician who insisted that even if Galileo was seeing a rough surface on the Moon, that only meant that the entire moon had to be covered in invisible, transparent, smooth crystal. Discovery of Jupiters Satellites Months passed, and his telescopes improved. On January 7, 1610, he turned his 30 power telescope towards Jupiter, and found three small, bright stars near the planet. One was off to the west, the other two were to the east, all three in a straight line. The following evening, Galileo once again took a look at Jupiter, and found that all three of the stars were now west of the planet, still in a straight line. Observations over the following weeks led Galileo to the inescapable conclusion that these small stars were actually small satellites that were rotating about Jupiter. If there were satellites that didnt move around the Earth, wasnt it possible that the Earth was not the center of the universe? Couldnt the Copernican idea of the Sun at the center of the solar system be correct? Galileo Galilei published his findings, as a small book titled The Starry Messenger. A total of 550 copies were published in March of 1610, to tremendous public acclaim and excitement. It was the only one of Galileos writings in Latin; most of his work was published in Tuscan. Seeing Saturns Rings And there were more discoveries via the new telescope: the appearance of bumps next to the planet Saturn (Galileo thought they were companion stars; the stars were actually the edges of Saturns rings), spots on the Suns surface (though others had actually seen the spots before), and seeing Venus change from a full disk to a sliver of light. For Galileo Galilei, saying that the Earth went around the Sun changed everything since he was contradicting the teachings of the Church. While some of the Churchs mathematicians wrote that his observations were clearly correct, many members of the Church believed that he must be wrong. In December of 1613, one of the scientists friends told him how a powerful member of the nobility said that she could not see how his observations could be true, since they would contradict the Bible. The lady quoted a passage in Joshua where God causes the Sun to stand still and lengthen the day. How could this mean anything other than that the Sun went around the Earth? Charged with Heresy Galileo was a religious man, and he agreed that the Bible could never be wrong. However, he said, the interpreters of the Bible could make mistakes, and it was a mistake to assume that the Bible had to be taken literally. That was one of Galileos major mistakes. At that time, only Church priests were allowed to interpret the Bible, or to define Gods intentions. It was absolutely unthinkable for a mere member of the public to do so. Some of the Church clergy started responding, accusing him of heresy. Some clerics went to the Inquisition, the Church court that investigated charges of heresy, and formally accused Galileo Galilei. This was a very serious matter. In 1600, a man named Giordano Bruno was convicted of being a heretic for believing that the earth moved about the Sun, and that there were many planets throughout the universe where life- living creations of God- existed. Bruno was burnt to death. However, Galileo was found innocent of all charges, and cautioned not to teach the Copernican system. Sixteen years later, all that would change. The Final Trial The following years saw Galileo move on to work on other projects. With his telescope he watched the movements of Jupiters moons, recorded them as a list, and then came up with a way to use these measurements as a navigation tool. He developed a contraption that would allow a ship captain to navigate with his hands on the wheel, but the contraption looked like a horned helmet. As another amusement, Galileo started writing about ocean tides. Instead of writing his arguments as a scientific paper, he found that it was much more interesting to have an imaginary conversation, or dialogue, between three fictional characters. One character, who would support Galileos side of the argument, was brilliant. Another character would be open to either side of the argument. The final character, named Simplicio, was dogmatic and foolish, representing all of Galileos enemies who ignored any evidence that Galileo was right. Soon, he wrote up a similar dialogue called Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World. This book talked about the Copernican system. Inquisition and Death Dialogue was an immediate hit with the public, but not, of course, with the Church. The pope suspected that he was the model for Simplicio. He ordered the book banned, and also ordered the scientist to appear before the Inquisition in Rome for the crime of teaching the Copernican theory after being ordered not to do so. Galileo Galilei was 68 years old and sick. Threatened with torture, he publicly confessed that he had been wrong to have said that the Earth moves around the Sun. Legend then has it that after his confession, Galileo quietly whispered And yet, it moves. Unlike many less famous prisoners, he was allowed to live under house arrest in his house outside of Florence and near one of his daughters, a nun. Until his death in 1642, he continued to investigate other areas of science. Amazingly, he even published a book on force and motion although he had been blinded by an eye infection. The Vatican Pardons Galileo in 1992 The Church eventually lifted the ban on Galileos Dialogue in 1822- by that time, it was common knowledge that the Earth was not the center of the Universe. Still later, there were statements by the Vatican Council in the early 1960s and in 1979 that implied that Galileo was pardoned, and that he had suffered at the hands of the Church. Finally, in 1992, three years after Galileo Galileis namesake had been launched on its way to Jupiter, the Vatican formally and publicly cleared Galileo of any wrongdoing. Sources Drake, Stillman. Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications Inc., 2003.Reston, Jr., James. Galileo: A Life. Washington DC: BeardBooks, 2000. Van Helden, Albert. Galileo: Italian Philosopher, Astronomer and Mathematician. Encyclopedia Britannica, February 11, 2019.Wootton, David. Galileo: Watcher of the Skies. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2010.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
S. B. Cottone Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
S. B. Cottone Inc - Essay Example In this case, the firm has not enough capacity to capture all of these markets so that a target market in the segment is needed. A target market must have the potential to be viable customer. Target market of the firm are contractors in the construction business. This was principally selected due to construction developments in Scranton and the developers’ need for contractors in the construction business. Contractors are the first-line connection to developers. They are also considered specialist by developers so their expert advice is followed. Contractors’ profiles were compiled into a database of the company for the last twenty years for easy reference and follow up. Positioning is the market strategy of how company communicates to customers. Web defines it as â€Å"effort to influence consumer on a brand relative to a competing brand.†Purpose of positioning is to have an advantageous position to consumer. To start positioning the firm, has to know the needs of the target market, and understand why they need it, and its budget. Buyers’ needs are known through interviews, research and attending events such real estate openings. Based on this approach company has identified buyers’ needs as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of rooms and building. Buyers go through a process (Linton, Ian, 2014) wherein the very first stage is recognition of a need. Needs of buildings are caused by standard requirements. Next step is the information search wherein buyer looks for sources to solve his need. Next is the evaluation process where buyer inspects different brands and offers – and evaluate it according it to product attributes and the ability of supplier to deliver. Process involves buyers’ high participation particularly if there are many proposals, and low if there is only one company to be evaluated. The last
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Court Security Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Court Security Issues - Essay Example Similarly, there is always a potential of natural or eventual calamities such as earthquakes, floods, torrents abrupt fire etc. Regardless the kind of occurrence, the expansion and appraisal of the security of court in terms of debacle vigilance has become essential for smooth and prompt performance of justice. There must be a feeling of â€Å"being secured’ not only on the part of general public but among the court officials like judges and other workers while performing their duties. The higher officials of the courts have undoubtedly been concerned with security issues for their clients and workers; nevertheless, minimal action has been actually taken to evaluate the susceptibility of the courthouses against any potential criminal or environmental disaster. Thus, the need of developing a fully instituted security plan is more than imperative. (Wax, p. 1, 1994). The Court Security Plan This plan is primarily divided into two parts: A. General Rudiments for Security B. Functional Rudiments for security Now I proceed to discuss each of them in detail: A-General Rudiments for Security 1. Correspondence Management There must be detailed procedures for correspondence management together with arrangements of screening and x-ray for each delivered mail and the particular processes for dealing with any doubtful parcel or mail. 2. Control over Login IDs and Passwords Privacy policy must be in black and white with clear authentication of concerned officials for the access to specific records. 3. Arrangement for Parking A detailed parking plan needs to be prepared with assigned areas for higher officials and some illicit procedure of entry and exit should be in practice. 4. Interruption/ Warning Alarm A prescribed alarming system needs to be installed with clear response instructions to the staff against each of it. Test drills are essential in this regard. 5. Fire Inspections A regular practice of checking all fire control equipments like the extinguishers, pull stations etc. A staff member must be assigned this job to carry it out promptly. He must also have the contacts list for repair and maintenance. 6. Services of Private Security Companies This aspect requires extra attention. A record of background information about the guards must be there. Their weapons needs to be checked and duties clearly defined regarding patrolling, reception and screening etc
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Demonstrative Communication Paper Essay Example for Free
Demonstrative Communication Paper Essay Demonstrative communication consists of accepting and sending messages that can be silent; this can help give attention for the start of verbal communication even though a non verbal communication can transmit the message all by itself. An example of this would be facial expressions, which can be used to express most non verbal communications. According to Nayab body language along with facial expressions represent 55% of all communication. With demonstrative communication it can highlight the verbal communication for instance appropriately dressed, a nice firm handshake and conducting oneself in a professional manner while on employment interviews. Another example would be when two people meet for the first time; demonstrative communication can either show that the other person is either friendly or unpleasant by just saying the word hello. The facial expression of a smile can demonstrate whether the person is in good spirits and have a friendly personality. A good way to figure this out without the verbal communication would be the smile and other gestures through the nonverbal communication of the other person. An example of this would be a two people doing business together and when they meet for the first time and both business men smile at each other. This would be a nonverbal communication. The way that a person’s personality is shown is through their nonverbal communication. Demonstrative communication can go both ways in being effective and negative. There are many different facts that play into the nonverbal communication, like the clothes that people wear, their tattoos and possibly their hairstyles. Although these types of communications are nonverbal it does make some people a little uneasy about how they handle their business with someone with this type of communication. It does not matter what the tattoo is of. It can be misunderstood by the person that is viewing the symbol and the person with the tattoo will be labeled as a thug or someone that you should not do business with. That is why body language and facial expressions can be very important when it comes to demonstrative communication. An example of body language that can be misunderstood would be when two people are talking and one person has their arms folded across their chest. This can be perceived as the person not listening or being considered overprotective of themselves and will not take criticism lightly. The person with the folded arms could just be cold or it is a learned gesture from their parents and that is how they listen. This is why many people would agree that demonstrative communication should not only have the nonverbal but also the verbal to go along with it so that people do not have any misunderstandings and the issue can be handled properly. According to Sutton, a person cannot fully deliver the anecdote of the day to anyone lacking words, except if the person can mime the entire tale (Sutton, 2011). Even if the person is able to mime they cannot express the entire issue perfectly. There has to be some degree of distance. This type of communication cannot always be expressed perfectly. An example of this would be that a person cannot convey the nonverbal communication over the phone and the person on the other end only has the verbal part of the communication and might take something the wrong way because they are not able to see the nonverbal part of the communication and that is where misunderstandings come in. Just like all other types of communication demonstrative communication requires listening and responding. It has been said time and time again that people receive more knowledge from someone’s actions more than their words. There are times when a person needs to listen not only with their ears but also with their eyes. An example of this would be when a new student has to get up in front of the class and introduce themselves, at first the new student may roll their eyes like so many do because they already know that it is hard enough to start school as the new kid but to have to stand up in front of everyone makes things even more intense. So the other kids have seen the new student roll their eyes but they also have to listen to what is being said because the action was just an annoyance for having to stand up in front of everyone. It is important to remember to listen as well as taking in the scene of what is going on around them. Both the verbal and nonverbal communication will create the listening and response aspect of the communication. In today’s world all around us there are people unknowingly using demonstrative communication. Just by smiling at their neighbor or waving at someone they are using demonstrative communication. Even though this communication can be misinterpreted or misunderstood it is still wise to try and listen to see if there is anything that the person is also saying. References: ReferencesCheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., Rios, F. (2010). Communicating in the workplace . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Nayab, N. (2010, July 26). Different types of communication . Retrieved from http://www.brighthub.com/office/project-management/articles/79297.aspxSutton, N. (2011, March 26). Pros and cons of nonverbal communication.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Causality among Financial Liberalization, Poverty and Income Inequality
Kappel, V (2009) explored the impact of financial liberalization on poverty and income inequality by using panel and cross country data of developed and developing countries. By applying OLS and 2SLS significant negative relationship is found between financial development and income inequality. In developed countries weak evidence was found for financial development to decrease income inequality whereas in developing countries financial liberalization was found to increase income inequality. Pradhan (2010) examines the causal relationship among economic growth, financial development and poverty reduction in India during the period of 1951 to 2008. The empirical analysis deploys cointegration and dynamic Granger’s causality. Long run equilibrium relationship is found to be present among financial development, economic growth and poverty reduction .The Granger’s causality test shows that there is unidirectional causality from poverty reduction to economic growth, economic growth to financial development, and financial development to poverty reduction and economic growth to poverty reduction. It also shows the presence of no causality between financial development and economic growth, and poverty reduction and financial development. The research study recommends that economic growth is of prime importance to stimulate financial development and both could play a pivotal role in reducing poverty. Jeanneney and Kpodar (2006) examine how financial development is useful in reducing by poverty on one hand by McKinnon conduit effect and on the other by promoting economic growth. The study is conducted on a panel of developing countries during the period of 1966 to 2000 first by employing OLS and then by Dynamic panel Generalized Met... .... The bank of Albania (2009) inspects the causative association between financial development and economic growth for the Albanian economy using the Granger causality test for five different proxies for financial development. For the non-stationary and non-cointegrated series, the VAR model has been constructed and later, the above test has been applied. For non-stationary series but with a cointegrating relationship, the Granger-causality test has been applied after the construction of the vector error correction model (VECM). The empirical findings of the study show that there is a positive relation between all indicators measuring the financial development and economic growth in the long term. While in the short term, this relation is quite vague since different indicators provide different results. The data used in this paper belong to the period 1996-2007.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The day for the interview came
It is a hard life living in the real world. The world doesn’t provide literally what we need; we have to work hard in order to satisfy our basic needs. Monetary considerations are included as personal pursuits in order to live fully as an individual and justify our existence here on Earth. But first, in pursuing this goal, one needs to find a job for this to be his medium in attaining the much needed financial stability.I, for one, had first-hand experiences on the hardships one faces when hunting for a well-paid job.The first step in finding work is the making of a well-organized resume and submitting this to a company or institution where you want to work for. After your credentials are assessed by their human resource department, they may call you for a job interview in order for them to have the chance to know the extent of the truthfulness of your credentials stated in your resume.The first job interview is considered one of the hardest and challenging parts of the job hu nting process. The moment I got my first call from a clerk of a certain office, I couldn’t contain myself. I was exhilarated. My tireless efforts of submitting resumes to different companies and offices finally paid off. Looking back, I saw myself organizing the contents of my resume, encoding, printing this in multiple copies and putting these in big envelopes.Then, I was off, handing these to different offices; sometimes I walk, or ride a bus when the need arises, just so I can give all the resumes to the different offices. Then, the call came for my first job interview; my first chance to directly tell them with frankness what I am capable of.Some say that first impressions last. So I had to choose the best clothes that I have to wear, groomed myself before the mirror a hundred times, and rehearsed the things that I would answer to pre-conceived probable questions that have to be asked. These, I hoped, would create a positive impact on the interviewers.I expected th at the interview itself would be much tensed; I experienced a mixed feeling of dread and trepidation when I opened the door towards the conference table. Lo and behold! The interview was to be done by a panel of interviewers. I did not expect this. For an eternity, I felt that I will collapse upon seeing their faces, expressionless, ready to bombard me with questions.But, to my delight, I was met with reassuring and comforting handshakes by the interviewers. I thought, at that exact moment that I’ll get through that interview, which eventually I did. The moment I answered the first question, my self-esteem suddenly rose. A set of questions came after myriad of questions, yet I was able to answer these fairly.Others questions were answered the best way possible, or so I thought. This gave me a boost to persist and carry on until the last minute is through. Until I felt that I was completely at ease, as if I am just talking to colleagues and contemporaries. As quick as it start ed, the interview ended. This left me with an awakening; I survived my first job interview.I finally came up with a conclusion that pleasure and fun are not just derived from starting to do our first job tasks; rather the sense of adventure and accomplishment can be drawn from the path or process of finding a job, such as the interview process.Life is not hard as it seems, if taken with a positive outlook. It would just be hard if we don’t try to tackle the challenges it has to offer. Once we get to overcome these, we realize that we are learning, at the same time getting nearer to our goal.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Alpen Bank: Launching the Credit Card in Romania
Alpen Bank: Launching the Credit Card in Romania Written Analysis of Case Presented to: Miss Tania Hassan Presented by: * Case Overview: Alpen bank has to make a crucial decision whether or not they should launch the credit card business in Romania. The bank had to come up with a market strategy that can generate at least â‚ ¬5 million in profit within 2 years. Prior to introduction of the credit card in the market the Bank has to analyze whether an opportunity exists for the launch of the credit card. It has to further decide how to position the card in the market, what should be the target audience for the service.The bank has currently established a premium image by targeting the affluent class. Core Problem: Whether to launch credit card if it adds â‚ ¬ 5million profit to consumer bank segment within 2 years. The Alpen Bank seems hesitant to launch the credit card due to the existence of following problems: * Low per-capita income levels. * The population seemed inexperienc e with the usage of credit card. Consumer spending was cash based and merchant acceptance of card payments was low. Analysis: Opportunity: Considering the economic and market conditions as explained in the case, Alpen Bank should launch a credit card.It seems that Alpen Bank has an opportunity as economic environment in Romania had changed from 2006 after it joined European Union. The economy there was developing; a growing trends of luxury purchasing emerged, there was also an increasing likeliness of using card instead of cash and lastly other competitors had already taken similar strategies in the market. The credit and debit card market of Romania is also seen to grow at a good pace of 35% in 2006 and about 9. 5million cards were being used in the market. Apart from certain positives there are certain problems in credit card market too.People use cards generally for withdrawing cash rather than for buying products or services so there is less revenue driven from transactions. Ev en merchants are still ignorant in accepting credit cards and prefer payments through cash Thus it shows that Alpen has an opportunity to cash on the credit card but it would require efforts especially in marketing the card. Positioning: Alpen Bank has established a premium image and reputation of serving the affluent clientele. The bank should focus on its current strength rather than penetrating into a new customer base.The affluent class represents the top 10% of population which has about 24% of wealth. They are priced less sensitive and thus positioning the card on high end would be beneficial for the bank. They are career oriented; active professionals who would like to use their cards frequently for making purchases Moreover, for countries like Romania, it is seen that credit cards are somewhat stickier as compared to the developed countries. This shows that if Alpen positions its card as a high end product, it will gain a share of market which would stick to its card. The middle class is also a potential market for the credit card.The middle class also has a huge potential especially in terms of the size of market however they are more price-focused and would only welcome this new credit card if the interest rates are low. They also have a monthly income which supports them to have a credit card. Based on the attitudes of customers in other emerging economies it can be said that customers in middle-income class have a lower actual utilization rate when compared with affluent class. If Alpen Bank currently emphasize on Affluent class it would be safer for it rather than it focuses on middle class. As today’s middle class may become affluent class of tomorrow.The decision whether to target affluent class or middle class depends on the revenue they generate solely or combined. The final objective of the analysis is to identify the profit generated if Alpen Bank serves Affluent class solely or it serves both. For this purpose we have analyzed the financial data provided to us in the case. Target Segment| Annual Income| %age of Potential Card Holders| Potential Card Holders| Annual Revenue| Total Revenue| Middle Class| 3,000-4500| 18. 2%| 3385200| 60. 63| 205244676| Affluent| 4500-6000| 15%| 2790000| 123. 38| 344230200| Most Affluent| 6000+| 12. 9%| 2399400| 209. 5| 503274150| Total| | | 8574600| | 1052749026| Total Population Qualify for credit Card = 18. 6million Revenue Per Card Holder (all three classes) = 122. 78 Revenue Per Card Holder ( Affluent+ Most Affluent)=163. 31 In the above scenario we have first calculated the value of each segment. Given in the case is that the population of Cardholders is 18. 6 million. Through exhibit 5 we determine the percentage of potential cardholder for each segment give in the above table column 3. Through that we determine the Potential card holder. After that we multiply the population of each segment with that of annual revenue.After summing up the total revenue we div ide once it with the population of combine three segments to derive Revenue Per card holder, and once with the population of Affluent + Most affluent to derive at the value of Revenue per card holder of affluent and most affluent. Customer Acquisition for All Customers | Unit Cost| Prospect Reached| ResponseRate| Qualification Rate| Conversion Rate| No. of Customer| Total Cost| Cost per Customer| Direct Mail| 0. 50| 2500000| 3%| 60%| 85%| 38250| 1250000| 32. 68| Take One| 0. 10| 2000000| 2. 5%| 30%| 85%| 12750| 200000| 15. 69| FSIs| 0. 05| 3500000| 1. %| 30%| 85%| 13388| 175000| 13. 07| Direct Sales| 3000/rep| 60000| 25%| 60%| 85%| 7650| 3000| 3. 92| Branch Cross-Sell| 1| 50000| 50%| 90%| 85%| 19125| 50000| 2. 61| | | | | | | 91163| 1710000| 18. 75| No. of Customer= 2500000 * 0. 03 *0. 60* 0. 85 In case of Affluent Class the Number of Customer will be reduced by 50% for Direct Mail, Take One and FSIs so the cost per customer for Affluent class will be 18. 31 Profit Calculation All C ustomers| 50,000| | 100,000| Revenue( 122. 78)| 6,139,000| Revenue( 122. 78)| 12,278,000| Acquisition Cost(18. 75)| (937,500)| Acquisition Cost(18. 5)| (1,875,000)| Direct Cost (20)| (1,000,000)| Direct Cost (17. 5)| (875,000)| Revenue| 4,201,500| Revenue| 9528000| Less| | Less| | Fixed Cost| 5,000,000| Fixed Cost| 5,750,000| Advertising Expense| 2,000,000| Advertising Expense| 2,000,000| Total Profit/( Loss)| (2,798,500)| Total Profit/( Loss)| 1,778,000| Through the above calculation of profit we can identify that Breakeven is occurring in between 50,000 and 100,000 customers. So now we calculate the breakeven. X in the following formulae is assumed to be additional customers. 122. 78 ( X+ 50,000) – ( 5,750,000+2,000,000) – ( 50,000*17. 5 + 36. 5*X) =0 X= 28,758 Break Even = 50,000+ 28,758= 78,758 At 150,000 customers we are generating revenue of greater than 5million so to identify the no. customer at which we get 5million profit we develop the following formulae 122 . 78( X+100,000)- ( 650,000+2,000,000) – ( 100,000*15 + 33. 75*Y) = 5,000,000 No. Of Customer =130,574 We apply the same process to the affluent class. Break Even: 163. 31( X+ 50,000) – ( 5,750,000 + 2,000,000) – ( 50000* 17. 5 + 35. 81* X) = 0 X= 3,604 Break Even = 53,604 Revenue Analysis: 163. 31 ( X+50,000) – ( 6,500,000 + 2,000,000) – ( 15*100,000 + 35. 81* X)= 5,000,000 X=42,820No. of Customer = 92,820 Recommendations: After doing the further breakeven and revenue analysis we recommend ALPEN bank to launch credit Card. The Bank is able to generate the profit as required. The bank should Position Credit Card as a high-end premium product in the initial stages. Firstly it is easy for bank to cater the need of the existing customers. By positioning the product in the affluent class the Bank is able to reach breakeven point in less number of customers. After getting a strong foothold in the market the Bank should focus of targeting the middle clas s as they are affluent class of tomorrow.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
American Beauty analysis essays
American Beauty analysis essays This film, written by Alan Ball and directed by Sam Mendes, was released in 1999. It won many awards, including the Academy award for best picture, although it was and still is very controversial. The movie portrays the American suburbanite family in a bleak and dismal light and dares to discuss off-limit, intense topics dealing with the American life. This film requires insightful reflection and analysis in order to understand its profound significance and multifaceted layers. While many topics are explored and uncovered in the film, several dominant themes occur in American Beauty which are of great consequence. The first is the idea of looking closer. This recurring aspect of the film urges the audience to see that things are not as they appear on the surface. Examples include the seemingly perfect but actually dysfunctional family, the suggestion that someone else killed Lester, the fact that Angela turned out to be a virgin though she acted quite unvirginal, and the discovery that the homophobic Colonel is gay. The director and screenwriter purposefully made occurrences have an incredibly different outcome than perceived. The truth or beauty itself may be found in a place where a person never expected to find it, like in a plastic bag floating the filmmaker tries to rid the audience of its preconceived notions about truth and beauty, which is crucial in understanding the next theme about beauty. Beauty is, of course, another omnipresent, significant theme in American Beauty. The filmmmaker uses the film to ask questions about beauty to the American public, such as, what is beauty, where can it be found, how is it achieved, and so on. Each character has a dissimilar viewpoint regarding these questions about beauty. They each have their own idea or image of what is beautiful. The way each character defines beauty ultimately defines the characters themselves in the film. For example, Ri ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Questions to Answer in Your University Book Review
5 Questions to Answer in Your University Book Review 5 Questions to Answer in Your University Book Review At first thought, it seems that there is no difference between a book review, book report and book summary. The only true fact is that all these types of writing deal with a book. However, among the three a book review has a special purpose to describe, analyse and evaluate books citing evidence and examples from the book in question. Many students are not sure that they’re on the right way while working on a university book review. As a result, they can get very low scores for it. Want to be highly assessed? Bring 5 questions into focus to answer them in your book review. 1. Who is the Author of the Book? In a book review, you have to give credit to the author. The author’s name and background should be part of an introduction. You can also state the perspective from which the author wrote the book and evaluate if he or she was biased in favour of writing the book or not. Besides, focus on the question why the author wrote on this subject rather than on some other subject. 2. What is the Thesis of the Book? A good book review has two theses the author’s thesis and your thesis based on how you understand the book. Concerning the authors thesis, you should explain whether he or she expresses it adequately in the book and by what means. Cite examples from the book to support your claims. Another thesis brings new insight into the book content and should help readers understand it from different perspectives. You can provide both evaluations positive and negative. 3. Was the Intended Message Delivered Effectively? Every book intends to carry a particular message to the audience. A clear message is meant to emerge from writing. It is your task as a student to determine what message the author intended to communicate and whether he/she effectively got across this message. Feel free to criticize anything that you feel the author didn’t capture perfectly. After all, that’s the essence of a book review be critical. To critically analyze and evaluate a book in your review! 4. What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book? A book review is not yet complete if you don’t highlight various strengths and weaknesses belonging to the book under consideration. It is recommended that you have a paragraph with each point. Cite evidence from the book by explaining them, otherwise, your book review won’t be reliable as required. For each weakness, you should provide a possible solution that can help improve the book. 5. Is there an Alternative Way of Arguing the Same Idea? It is within the bounds of possibility that people can be on opposite ends. When it comes to a book review, don’t forget to demonstrate the other ways of presenting the same idea. Irrespective of whether the author argued his/her ideas effectively you should evaluate whether there are possible alternatives to it. State them and explain how each of them would have brought a whole new dimension into the book. There are a few basic questions that you have to answer when writing a university book review. We have highlighted them that you should pay attention to so that you’ll be able to write a really good book review. Another way to complete a review without being confused is to apply our custom writing service for buying book reviews online. Our academic writers are ready to help you out immediately you ask for assistance.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
A Discourse Community jail inmates and those who visit them Essay
A Discourse Community jail inmates and those who visit them - Essay Example As John Wideman put it in his seminal book, a person visiting a prison "is forced to become an inmate . . . subject to the same sorts of humiliation and depersonalization . . . made to feel powerless, intimidated by the power of the state" (p.52). Yet this process of making visitors feel like prisoners paradoxically brings about a sense of community between visitor and inmate that might not otherwise exist.I visited my mother's boyfriend in prison for three years. He had been wrongly convicted and was in a state jail that seemed to attempt to make it very difficult for people to visit the prisoners in comfort. First of all, the criminal background of the person visiting needed to be checked before you could be put on the prisoner's visitor list. In an ironic reversal from the normal of role of prisons, to enter on e as a visitor one could not have a criminal record. Yet at the same time, once you had been passed as non-criminal (or at least never having been convicted of a criminal o ffense) you were then searched quite extensively before being allowed in.The visitors were forced to wait for more than an hour in a quite depressing and dirty waiting-room. The "discourse" that they took part in was one of silence at this point.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Organisational change and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Organisational change and development - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is organisational change management as the process necessary for an association to identify, to organise, to employ and to attain full benefit from the alterations taking place within or outside the organisational environment. The objectives of organisational change management is concerned with effective planning, execution, measurement and preservation of the initiatives of implementing change strategies as well as augmentation of the capacity required for managing changes. Organisational change can be observed when an organisation intends to streamline its available assets and enhance its capacity to generate value by augmenting effectiveness to a sustainable extent. Changes are considered as ubiquitous in nature that helps progressing as well as achieving experiences which escort to the acceleration of the overall organisational growth. In the current era of globalisation, the process of organisational changes is widely considered to be inevitabl e. In order to meet the technological as well as environmental challenges of the situations, the teams should be able to adopt changes in due course of time. The change management strategies of an organisation are often based on diverse approaches such as individualistic, socio-economic and structural aspects among others which help in the development of many theories and functions. Along with the advancement of technology as well as new practices, the organisational change management process continues to alter in order to cope with the enduring changes. There are various types of approaches such as traditional, socio-economic, socio-structural and socio-technical approaches among others which deal with organisational change management from differing perspectives. One of the mostly applied perspectives to organisational change management is observed to be the traditional approach that can be effectively described by the Kurt Lewin’s classical model (Friedman & Shcustack, 2008 ). Kurt Lewin’s classical theory is influential in organisational change management as it focuses mainly on the individual aspects and social psychology rather than observation and problem solving. Lewin proposed that populace respond to any imaginary situation or changes and intends to shape it accordingly. This includes mainly three phases such as unfreezing, moving and refreezing. Unfreezing is a type of challenge faced by every human beings in an organisation. This means that the individual employees are often examined to depict reluctance to change according to the changes occurring within the organisational environment or in its external business environment. However, the reluctant employees ultimately accept the change in order to sustain in the organisation. It involves creation of the preliminary motivation towards the change by communicating the existing problematic situation or scenario to the employees of the organisation. This facilitates to understand the varied viewpoints of the individuals as well as helps to progress people from the ‘frozen’ state to an ‘unfrozen or change’ state so that it can be adopted efficiently by all. Next is the moving or transition stage. It involves recognition of the need of change, that can be in terms of cultural change or structural change in order to ascertain new principles and rules. Refreezing refers to the fortification of the new adjustments in order to accomplish rehabilitated stability among the organisationa
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
As an ecologically concerned engineer or anthropologist, critically Essay
As an ecologically concerned engineer or anthropologist, critically assess the current Japanese nuclear disaster using academica - Essay Example The Fukushima Daiichi facility was apparently unable to withstand the dual shocks of the earthquake and tsunami within a short timeframe and entered into a situation which can be described as nuclear meltdown of the reactors. The information about the Fukushima disaster was initially limited and possibly misrepresented by TEPCO and Japanese government administrators in order to downplay publicly the degree of seriousness of the situation, and this has led to difficulties in academic or public verification of the ecological and social threats that the meltdown portends for Japan. It is not overestimating the situation to state that in the worst instance a significant portion of Japan could have become uninhabitable due to the disaster, and currently there is an evacuation zone in effect around the facility. This essay will examine the ongoing nature of the Fukushima Disaster, highlighting the fact that the facility may still not have been properly brought under control and the degree of uncertainty that exists because of this in determining the over-all consequences of the event. The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster There is now little doubt that a full nuclear meltdown occurred at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan this year. According to Julian Ryall in an article published in the Telegraph as "Nuclear meltdown at Fukushima plant" (12 May 2011), â€Å"Engineers from the Tokyo Electric Power company (Tepco) entered the No.1 reactor at the end of last week for the first time and saw the top five feet or so of the core's 13ft-long fuel rods had been exposed to the air and melted down. Previously, Tepco believed that the core of the reactor was submerged in enough water to keep it stable and that only 55 per cent of the core had been damaged. Now the company is worried that the molten pool of radioactive fuel may have burned a hole through the bottom of the containment vessel, causing water to leak. ’We will have to revise our plans,’ said Junichi Matsu moto, a spokesman for Tepco. ‘We cannot deny the possibility that a hole in the pressure vessel caused water to leak’. Tepco has not clarified what other barriers there are to stop radioactive fuel leaking if the steel containment vessel has been breached. Greenpeace said the situation could escalate rapidly if ‘the lava melts through the vessel’.†(2011: p.1) One of the problems with the design of the Fukushima plant is that it had been storing depleted nuclear fuel rods on the same site as the reactor, cooled with water. After becoming exposed, this fuel may have added to the critical mass of the meltdown reaction and also caused additional radiation to be released into the environment during the initial period of the disaster. The additional force of this reaction may have been sufficient to burn or melt through the very bottom containment layer of the reactor itself, the final protection layer that prevents a meltdown lava flow from entering the l ocal environmental system through the earth and water systems. The use of sea water to flood and cool the reactor following the meltdown has inevitably led to groundwater radiation being released into
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Quality of Service (QoS): Issues and Recommendations
Quality of Service (QoS): Issues and Recommendations The Effects Of Movement On QoS – As the mobile device moves from a cell protected from one base station to an adjoining cell of a different base station during a connection handover takes place. This hand over time may just result in a short loss of communication which would possibly not be obvious for voice interplay however can outcomes in loss of information for different applications. For mobile computing, the base station may have to provide regional processing, storage or other services as good as communication. Variations in link quality will additionally be caused by atmo circular conditions such as rain or lightning. These effects need additional refined dynamic QoS management than fixed systems. It is therefore the variation in QoS that is that the crucial distinction between mobile systems and communications based on wired networks. This implies for adaptive QoS management that specifies a variety of acceptable QoS levels, instead of attempting to ensure specific values. The QoS management is additionally accountable for cooperation with QoS aware applications to support adaptation, instead of insulating applications from variation in underlying QoS. The effects of quality on QoS need then that algorithms utilized should be capable of managing frequent loss and reappearance of mobile device within the network, and that overhead ought to be reduced in periods of low connectivity. This is in contrast to traditional distributed applications, wherever moderately stable presence and systematically high network quality square measure usually assumed. The Restrictions Of Portable Devices On QoS – Portability of the mobile computing device imposed variety of problems that place limitations on QoS. The main limitation is within the physical size of mobile computers. Systems usually are designed with the limitations of batteries in mind. Current battery technology still needs appreciable area and weight for modest power reserves, and isnt expected to become considerably additional compact in future. This then places limits on the style due to the ought to offer low power consumption as a primary style goal: low power processors, displays and peripherals, and the observe of getting systems powered down or sleeping once not in active use are common measures to reduce power consumption in portable PCs (Personal computer) and PDAs (Personal digital assistant). Low power consumption elements are usually grade of processing power below their higher consumption desktop counterparts, so limiting the complexness of tasks performed. The practice of intermittent activity might seem as frequent failures in some situations. Similarly, mobile technology needs vital power, notably for transmission, thus network association should be intermittent. The second purpose is that of user interfaces: giant screens, large keyboards, and refined and straightforward to use pointer systems are commonplace in a desktop surroundings. These facilitate data wealthy, complicated user interfaces, with precise user management. In portable computers, screen size is reduced, keyboards are typically additional incommodious, and pointer devices less refined. PDAs have tiny, low resolution screens that are usually additional suited to text than graphics and will solely be monochrome. They have stripped miniature keyboards, and pen based mostly, voice, or easy cursor input and selection devices. These limitations in input and show technology need a considerably totally different approach to user interface style. In sush type of environments where users may use a variety of systems in different situations, the interface to applications may then be heterogeneous. QoS management in a mobile environment should enable for scaling of delivered information, and also less complicated user interfaces once connecting using a common combination of portable devices and higher power non-portable devices [1, 6] and field of context aware computing provides groundwork during this area, wherever instead of treating the geographical context (as for mobility), one can treat the choice of end system as giving a resource context. The Effects On Other Non-Functional Parameters – Any style of remote access will increase security risks however wireless based mostly communication is especially likely to unseen undetected therefore mobility complicates traditional security mechanisms. Even nomadic systems can build use of less secure telephone and net based mostly communications than workplace systems using LANs. Some Organizations might place restrictions on what knowledge or services will be accessed remotely, or need a lot of subtle security than is required for workplace systems. In addition, there are legal and moral problems rose within the observance of users locations. Cost is another parameter that might be stricken by the employment of mobile communications. However, whereas wireless connections are frequently more expensive, the basic principles of QoS management in relevancy price are the same as for fixed systems. The only major extra quality is formed by the risk of a bigger range of connection, and therefore price, options, and the risk of performing accounting in multiple currencies. WORK ON MANAGEMENT OF QoS IN MOBILE ENVIRONMENTS Management Adaptivity As declared within the section The Effects of Movement on QoS, one of the key ideas in managing QoS for mobile environments is adaptation to changes in QoS. In the following we tend to discuss 3 categories of change that have to be catered for. Large-grained change is characterized as changes due to varieties of end system, or network connection in use, generally these can vary infrequently, often only between sessions, and therefore are managed mostly at the initialization of interaction with applications, probably by suggests that of context awareness. Hideable changes are those minor fluctuations, some of that could be peculiar to mobile systems, that are sufficiently little in degree and period to be managed by traditional media aware buffering and filtering techniques. Buffering is often used to take away noise by smoothing a variable (bit or frame) rate stream to a constant rate stream. Filtering of packets could differentiate between those containing base and improvement levels of information in multimedia streams, e.g., moving from color to black and white images and are like those in fixed network systems [35]. However, as mobile systems move, connections with totally different base stations have to be set up and connections to remote servers re-routed via the new base stations. This needs moving or putting in filters for these connection, different connection could not give the same QoS as the previous one, and so the needed filter technique could differ. To manage this needs an extension of the traditional interactions for migrating connections between base stations. The choice and handover of management should realize of offered QoS, needed QoS, and the capability of the network to accommodate any needed filters. Wherever the network cannot maintain the current level of service, base stations ought to initiate adaptation in conjunction with handover [14, 41]. Fine-grained change are those changes that are often transient, however vital enough in vary of variation and period to be outside the range of effects that will be hidden by traditional QoS management ways. These include: Environmental effects in wireless networks. Other flows beginning and stopping in a part of the system so affecting resources available. Changes in accessible power inflicting power management Functions to be initiated, or degradation in functions like radio transmission. These types of change should be informed with the applications involved, as they need interation between QoS management and the application for adaptation. In several conditions it is a reasonable to assume that the wireless connection will determine the overall QoS. However, an end-to-end QoS management is still needed, specially for multicast systems, and those using the internet for their connection. The impact of price on patterns of desired adaptivity also becomes more pronounced in mobile systems, wherever connections usually have a charge per unit time or per unit data. Adaptation paths connected with QoS management ought to be able to describe how a lot of the users are willing to pay for a certain level of presentation quality or timeliness. The heterogeneousness inherent in systems that might offer network access through more than one media also will be a issue here, as certain sorts of connection can cost more than others, and cost of connection will vary due to telecoms supplier traffic structures. Resource Management And Reservation – Some researchers contend that resource reservation isnt relevant in mobile systems, as the accessible bandwidth in connections is just too extremely variable for a reservation to be meaningful. However, some resource allocation and admission control would appear reasonable once resources are scarce, even if laborious guarantees of resource provision are not practical. [44, 47] proposes that guarantees be created in admission control on lower bounds of needs, whereas providing best-effort service beyond this. This is achieved by creating advance reservation of minimum levels of resources within the next predicted cell to confirm accessibility and smooth handoff, and maintaining a portion of resources to handle unforeseen events. The issue of resource reservation is given some thought by those engaged on base stations and wired elements of mobile infrastructures, as these high bandwidth elements should be shared by several users, therefore the traditional resource management approach s till applies. Context Awareness – A further aspect of resource management is that of large grained adaptivity, and context awareness. [49] defines situation as the entire set of circumstances close surrounding agent, including the agents own internal state and from this context as the elements of the situation that ought to impact behavior. Context aware adaptation may include migrating data between systems as a results of mobility; dynamic a user interface to reflect location dependent information of interest; choosing a local printer or power conscious scheduling of actions in portable environments. The QoS experienced is also dependant on awareness of context, and applicable adaptation to that context [11]. A elementary paper on context awareness is [13], that emphasizes that context depends on more than location, i.e., vicinity to alternative users and resources or environmental conditions such as lighting, noise or social things. In consideration of QoS presentation, the problems with network connectivity, comm unications price and bandwidth, and location are obvious factors, poignant data for interactions as well as how end systems are used and users preferences, for instance, network bandwidth may be available to supply spoken messages on a PDA (Personal digital assistant) with audio capability, however in several situations text show would still be the most applicable delivery mechanism speech might not be intelligible on a noisy factory floor, and secrecy is also required in conferences with customers. Quality will therefore cover all non-functional characteristics of information poignant any aspect of perceived quality. CONCLUSION We discussed the critical issues faced by QoS in a mobile environment, the time those challenges emerged and the techniques that were put forward to tackle those challenges following literature to discussed work. The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalà : An Analysis The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dalà : An Analysis The Persistence of Memory is a surreal landscape created in 1931 by the famous Spanish artist, Salvador Dali. This oil painting measures 9 1/2 x 13 inches, or 24.1 x 33 cm and is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA). It has been displayed in galleries worldwide and is a symbol of Dalis work. The Persistence of Memory contains a light blue horizon, which slowly fades downward from blue to yellow across the top quarter of the painting. Under the skyline sits a body of water, or what looks to be a large lake or a reflecting pool. The body of water traces the skyline until it interacts with neighboring mountains to the right. In front of the mountains there is lone pebble. On the left close to the water, Dali places a reflective, blue, elevated, rectangular platform with dark brown trimming around the edges. Placed in front of this platform, there is another single pebble. A lifeless tree with a hollow top, is in front of it, missing all of its leaves and branches but one. The single branch holds a silver pocket watch which appears to be melting on the end of the branch showing the numbers three through nine. Only one hand of the watch is shown, pointing at the 6. The tree is located on top of a light brown square object that looks desk-like. The brown object takes over the bottom left corner of the painting, and even goes off the canvas. On this object there are two more pocket watches residing. One of them is gold and melted, hanging half way off the light brown cube. The hands of the gold watch are stopped at five of seven and there is a fly on the face near the 1 oclock mark. The fly is also casting a very small shadow, which is shaped more like a human. The other pocket watch is bronze and shut. The exterior of the pocket watch is covered with a swarm of black ants. Unlike the other clocks, this is shut, and the only one that is not warped or melted of the four. The ground in The Persistence of Memory is a dark brown that almost turns black in certain areas. On it lies a white figure on its right side with another silver-colored melting clock on its back. The white figure is human-like, with over emphasized large eyelashes. It has a what looks to be a trade mark Salvador Dali moustache and lips where eyebrows would be on a human face. Its nose is flared and has another small brown object coming out of the right nostril. The white figure has no limbs or other human-like characteristics. The rest of the scenery around the white figure is dark and barren. The Persistence of Memory uses the basic elements of art including a plethora of lines, values, shapes, form, colors, and texture (Glatstein). The lines that Dali uses in the painting vary on the shape which he is working with. Most of the painting contains lines that are relatively thin and similar in width, with the exception of the mountains, and the eyelashes of the white figure. The lines on the mountains are noticeable, and give them a rough realistic approach. On the white figure Dali uses different lengths and widths to create individuality in each lash. He also makes everything detailed down to the very last ant on the bronze watch. The lines that make up the watches are so detailed that they even show each number on the faces. The use of lines also improve the realistic look of the reflection of the mountains in the water. The lines on the platform and brown object are straight and symmetric. He does not leave many visible sketch marks in this painting, so it is not clear o r easy to distinguish his lines from shading. The lines that he does show usually complement the dark shadows of his surrealist landscape. The values and shading in this painting are very drawn out and detailed. The shadows in Dalis Persistence of Memory are the heart and soul of the piece, creating a universe that has never been seen before. Thick values highlight details and color, giving a three dimensional illusion to this piece. On the tree, the values are implied to create the illusion of bark, while the limp clock it is holding on its branch uses value to create a tarnished and three dimensional effect. The brown object also uses shading to get this effect. The watches on the brown cube have detailed shading on and around them, and use color to shade and give a shiny effect. The melting one uses a great deal of color on the face, while the watch with the ants draws attention to the insects covering it. The ground is primarily solid brown, with vivid black shadows overpowering the landscape. This stresses the amount of sunlight that is shown in the landscape, reflecting off of other interacting objects. The mounta ins use a combination of light and darkness mixed with color rather than only black to create this style. Some of the ridges on the mountains are shaded with black, along with other parts of the painting such as the white figure and the brown cube where the two pocket watches are placed. The ants are all black, and have very little shading, while the fly on the other watch only has a blue shadow of a human figure. The white figure has shading throughout its entire body. There is heavy shading on his head, nose eyelashes, and where its body touches the ground. This painting contains a variety of shapes and forms that add to the uniqueness of its style. There are noticeable figures and shapes, and unidentifiable ones throughout the painting. The blue platform in the far corner is a solid three dimensional rectangle, as is the large brown cube in front of it. In these objects the lines are straight and solid, and although the object is not identifiable, the geometric shapes are (Jirousek). The way that the clocks are melting adds a sense of movement and flimsiness. The mountains are recognizable shapes, along with the body of water surrounding them. The tree is easily identified, as are ants and the fly. The white figure is almost cubist, missing parts and anatomical structures, somewhat resembling a Picasso or Braque painting. It still contains human qualities, like the eyelashes and the nose but lacks a solid form. Many of the objects in this painting interact with others, either resting on or touching. The clocks are an example of this be cause they almost mold to whatever object they come into contact with. This painting is three dimensional, geometric, and abstract, and does not stick to all traditional shapes or forms (Jirousek). The color scheme along with the shading work to bring the painting to life. The colors are not vivid or bright, but more saturated and dark. Dali uses shadow and color together to create a different experience. The colors in The Persistence of Memory are primarily warm including a lot of yellow, gold, black, and brown (Warm Colors). The browns on the cube and the scenery range from light to dark. The mountains are a shade of yellow, along with a lot of what the sun touches in the painting. The watches are gold, silver, and bronze and have a shine to them because of the color and shading. There are also cool colors in this piece including blue, white, and silver (The Meaning of Color). The faces of the clocks, tree, the flys shadow, the sky and water are all a blue tint, working with the warm colors to balance the painting. The texture of the painting mainly focuses on senses such as sight and touch. From smooth surfaces to rough and jagged objects, Dali intensifies the visual experience to create an imaginary sense of touch. The blue platform appears to have a smooth reflective surface, with a rough wooden underside. The tree in front of it has a course exterior with deteriorating bark. The clock on its weak branch has a flexible but noodle like appearance to it. The large brown object with the other two clocks on top looks smooth and almost wooden. The pocket watch with the ants on it looks smooth and shiny, but still covered in small black ants. The gold pocket watch looks melted and squishy. The hands on the watch appear to go in every direction and never stay in sync with each other. The mountains in the background look narrow, ancient, dangerous, with noticeable signs of erosion. The water looks still, clear, reflecting the mountains in the landscape. The two pebbles that are separated on the far left and right in the background have a smooth exterior. The white figures skin is smooth as well, although the shading gives the impression that the figures body is wavy and ameba-like. Its moustache and lips where his eyebrow appear to be drawn on and unnatural. The large eyelashes have a rough and soft texture, as does his nose and the rest of his face. Salvador Dalis painting The Persistence of Memory, uses a variety of artistic methods and principles (Glatstein). The emphasis of the piece are the four melting clocks scattered throughout the painting. Some may argue that its his mysterious white figure that draws more attention to the work. The painting carries a strong sense of movement as well. The melting clocks create an optical illusion, giving the viewer the impression that they are actually dripping metal. The ant colony on the bronze watch also creates a sense of motion as they scatter on its surface. The cracked and crumbling mountains add to this movement too, while the water below and the white figure stay completely still. The use of shadows in the picture builds a strong contrast between sources of light and darkness. The lighting projects emphasis on several objects and builds three dimensions using shadow and color. The contrast also brings the three dimensional illusion to life, giving the painting its distinguishin g features. The painting lacks a definite pattern or motif, and the only reoccurring object is the pocket watches. Its scenery changes throughout the piece from geometric objects, to empty space, to mountains. In this piece the vanishing point appears to make sense and the water touching the skyline gives an illusion of distance. The proportion of the other objects in the painting however, do not follow traditional standards. The pocket watches seem ridiculously large and warped in every direction, while the tree holding the silver watch up is similar in size to the pocket watch. The overall unity of Dalis painting brings mixed emotions. The interpretation of the piece always has a critics bias either directly or indirectly. The Persistence of Memory seems to have a darker impact on people because of its style and subject matter. It is not seen as a cheerful or happy painting, but more eerie and disturbing. According to the Salvador Dali Museum this painting is known to cause fear a nd anxiety of the unknown surroundings (Clocking in With Salvador Dali). Dalis creation of this painting was not drug induced, but from melting cheese and bizarre dreams (Rochfort). The message Dali is trying to spread is that life is fast paced and full of choices which sometimes produce unfavorable outcomes, but we move on. The clocks are only stepping stones into the real meaning behind the painting. The silver watch on the tree is symbolic of a time which has recently passed (Being second closest to the white figure). The gold watch symbolizes the best years of life slowly escaping. The closed bronze watch with the ants could symbolize a time which the artist wanted to move on and forget. The one on top of the white figure symbolizes the place that he is at now and currently trying to live through. The pebbles painted on opposite sides of the canvas symbolize separation between a lover. The cracks in the mountains are obstacles that one faces before they can reach a stable point in life and find happiness. The raised blue platform in the back symboliz es the path to a higher quality of life, while the dead tree shows mortality and that nothing lives forever. The flys shadow in the form of a person could be another symbol of Dalis love escaping, or that he wishes to escape reality. Many sources state that Salvador Dali had fallen in Gala, his only love and muse included in her many pieces (Salvador Dali-A Soft Self-Portrait). This piece defines surrealism, breaking many of the norms previously adopted by artists and critics. The painting itself reflects a lot on Salvador Dali, and the way which he viewed life. His artistic style is incredible, and his dream photographs (Clocking in with Salvador Dali) are mind blowing. His use of colors and lighting creates a three dimensional experience that was never seen before. The lifelike qualities and absurd creatures that inhabit the piece make it so good, and separate it from the rest. It has even been noted that the white figure seen in the painting is a self portrait of Dali, (looking at the moustache above its eyelashes) (Clocking in with Salvador Dali). The clocks themselves make The Persistence of Memory an iconic piece and have been emulated and parodied in popular culture as well. It surpasses much of the Modern Art of its time, involving more talent than just throwing paint buckets at a canvas. I was able to see this painting in person at the Philadelphia Art Museum in 2005 when the Dali Exhibit was on display.
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